DavPas90's Blog


EURUSD, the best or the worst to trade?

Some peope (or traders) may say that EURUSD is the worst or the best FX instrument to trade. But, why there is this big gap between who consider EURUSD the best or the worst? There are some reasons to say that it is the best and the worst at the same time. Here it is the 2 reasons explained, point by point by a trader (me) that Loves to trade EURUSD:
EURUSD is the most liquid FX instrument and probably the most liquid financial instrument to trade in the world, both for institutiona…
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Foresty84 avatar

I like numbers. So I can tell that according to my trading ideas EUR/USD trends only 14% of the time while there are many others that trend more than 23%(GBP/USD for example). So it's just more profitable to trade something else if you like trend following.

DavPas90 avatar
DavPas90 12 Sep

Every trader has a favourite instrument to trade, but the case of EURUSD is very extreme: is love or hate.

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EURUSD to 1,0580?

This is a weekly EURUSD chart.
Looking at it, seems to be that the main trend a daily and weekly base is clearly Long, but, if we look at the prices, as my Price Based Method says, Euro is going to reverse from these levels. Yes, from area 1,0800-50 there could be a reversal of this very strong bullish trend.
The brown price, 1,0850 area (or just some pips more) was an important support on the long term for Euro, so it could be a strong resistance p…
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EURUSD, that's why it will never go to parity

There are some topics about EurUsd, but there is one that is the most important for all Fx Traders: "EURUSD goes to parity?"
This is the chart of EurUsd on an important timeframe that is 1 month. This timeframe is crucial for an investment decision on a long term investment strategy and it's clear that the euro don't want to go to 1,000.
The Blue Area represent the BULL Area of EurUsd and it's clear that the price action on this timeframe is looking for a reversal: in 2 years, the low area seem…
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