Alexana5's Blog



I told you that I lived in Canada for one year, I was studied there.
And I also wanted to go to University there, but situation changes
I tool classes Civics and Careers there, but not for long time.
So some things about Canada I know and some I made research about thanks to Google and Wikipedia

Currency - Canadian Dollar.
I lived in capital city - Ottawa.
English and French speaking languages.
Economy and Development:

Canada is on the 14th economy place in the World.
It is …
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verindur avatar
verindur 19 Oct.

Thanks Canadian Ambassodor : )))))))))

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 19 Oct.

verindur :D You're always Welcome!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 20 Oct.

очень интересно про Канаду :))

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 26 Oct.


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Im looking for activeTraders for a Project

I want to realise and prepare one project for the next month
I cannot share this idea here(I want to make it as a surprise!)
Only thing I can tell that it planning to be entertaining and interesting at the same time, as for Traders as for others who visit this web site and taking part in competitions.
So this is idea for the community, and I want you traders to take part in it.
Its always better to try! Than only to think..
So those who are interested,please write me, I will t…
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verindur avatar
verindur 28 Sep.

But I am passive. In other words I don't prefer to give my opinion on trading. Too risky. In my opinion trade goes against the crowds. That's how the big houses make money. So you can never be sure.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 29 Sep.

verindur here will be not only analysis :) it will be entertaining.  ( will send you all information in mail what else will be in this project  :)

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