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Perfect day for the European boggyman to drag out an

Perfect day for the European boggyman to drag out an ECB corpse
Nobody loves a fright in the economy more than Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at The Telegraph and for Halloween he got a genuine scare from the Eurozone inflation data.
The region is dangerously close to a Japan-style deflation trap, he said.
He tracked down a mystery ‘former ECB governor’ for his take:
A former ECB governor said the bank’s passive stance over the past few months was a “disaster” for Italy and Spain. The time-lag effects …
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mag avatar
mag 31 Окт.

Very intersting.

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EUR/USD is near the end of the trend?

As we look back on the week just gone, it has a very familiar pattern to it, the view is of yet another good week for the Euro, and another disappointing week for the dollar. We have all here at ForexLive, been banging on about how you just can`t argue with this now established trend, and the fact that recent price history is such a huge factor in influencing short term opinion, and that remains true.
The accelerated strengthening of the euro against sterling last week (in the context of the und…
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UK faces biggest storm in years

Of course, it's all relative given what goes on around the rest of the world but the UK is tonight expecting the some of the worst weather since the devastating storms of 1987.
It’s all expected to kick off around midnight and last through the morning, and as I type this in the wilds of the Kent countryside the winds are already definitely picking up.
Reports are that no commuter trains will run until after 08.00 tomorrow while rail companies check that the lines are safe. This will definitely a…
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Future volatility trends in major currency pairs.

One of the fascinations for market watchers, is looking at a price ahead of an `important` piece of news, and the subsequent price action following publication, that is, how much of the real number is already `in the price`. The anticipation of certain statistics is one thing, but on a more macro level, there are times when certain assumptions gradually creep into market thinking, and it is always useful to review these.
Cable has been one of the best performers on the world currency stage recen…
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So exactly where does China spend its cash?

In the wake of UK fin min Osborne announcing easier terms (and visas) for the Chinese to spend their money in the UK the BBC have produced this handy at-a-glance guide of who, and what, we’re up against.
No surprises really but just another reason to be brushing up on some Mandarin.
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mag avatar
mag 14 Окт.

1,351 M of population is 19,1% of the Wolrd

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OECD jumps on the inflation bandwagon

The OECD has just releases their inflation figures for August. Year on year readings:
  • G20 countries 3.0% vs 3.2% in July
  • EU 1.5% from 1.7%
  • EZ 1.3% from 1.6%
  • France 1.0% vs 1.2% prior
  • Italy 1.2% unch
  • Germany 1.6% vs 1.9% prior
  • UK 2.7% vs 2.8%
  • US 1.5% from 2.0%
  • China 2.6% vs 2.7%
Obviously the data is a lagging somewhat but it’s yet another sign of falling inflation but this time on a global scale.
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Financial transaction tax and a Social democrat coalition

A day that was meant to be another occasion for the forex market to chew its collective fingernails over non- farm payrolls, is now just the end of a week dominated by politics.
The soap opera of US politics rolls on, and the world looks out from behind the sofa, desperately hoping that the story will end well, but after dire warnings about pending financial armageddon, has no further leverage to apply; Berlusconi has created –hopefully- his final piece of mischief making; in the UK we have com…
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mag avatar
mag 5 Окт.

You`re Right

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EURopean Wrap: Carney quote causes carnage again

Forex trading headlines from the European morning session 27 September
BOE governor Carney says he does not see a case for further QE.
• UK Nationwide HPI september m/m +0.9% vs +0.5% exp +0.7% prev
• China state council says it will test interest rate reforms in Shanghai trade zone
• US Fed’s Evans says headwinds are adding to a weak economy
• Evans says Fed wasn’t quite ready to taper
• China SAFE says strong USD and US recovery will help exports
• French final Q2 GDP +0.5% as exp/prev
• Swiss…
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An interesting week for GBP/USD. New recent highs ???

Not since late January/early February this year have we seen cable with a tag of 1.6, and further appreciation the other side of that number has been tentative (previous highs of only 1.62 and change in May and September 2012). I don`t get the news that there is a huge head of steam in terms of positioning behind this move, but cable has certainly been a precious and rare friend of the hedge fund community since the latest uptrend started in July.
Important to remember that to model driven curre…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 17 Сент.

ежегодный рост к зиме..)

Skif avatar
Skif 17 Сент.

most likely it will be

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GBP/USD Outlook September 2-6, 2013

I came across some good analysis and information on GBP/USD pair on one of the forex blogs and I would like to share it with you. Good luck trading!!! GBP/USD posted modest losses during the week but was down less than a cent at the closing bell. The pair closed the week just shy of the 1.55 line, at 1.5491. This week’s market-movers includes PMIs and the Official Bank Rate. Here is an outlook of the events and an updated technical analysis for GBP/USD. UK releases were uneventful, while th…
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 9 Сент.

Follow your analysis

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