cosma's Blog


UDDollar >> Not Impressed by Fed Minutes

Dear Community;U.S. dollar traders were not impressed by the July Federal Reserve meeting minutes. The greenback ended the day slightly lower than were it was before the minutes were released and unchanged for the day against all four of the major currencies - the euro, British pound, Japanese Yen and Canadian dollar. The FOMC minutes showed policymakers split on how soon a rate hike was needed. Some members backed a July hike but others wanted to see more data on the economy and inflation. They…
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FX Report 12 February 2016

Good Morning All; see now a Friday Currency Analysis.

Risk conditions deteriorated sharply in early Europe on Thursday with heavy losses in equities and fresh selling in the banking sector. In this environment, there was defensive Euro demand and evidence of fresh short covering. The US latest jobless claims data was lower than expected with a decline to 269,000 in the latest week from 285,000 previously which offered some encouragement that the labour market was still firm. Prepare…
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cosma 12 Luty

Thanks All

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Focus On USD

Morning All Users!
Will the U.S. dollar ever stop falling? The answer is easy - of course it will but the real question to ask is when. Since the beginning of the month not one day has passed without a sell-off in USD/JPY. We are 9 trading days into the second month of the year and USD/JPY has fallen in each and every one of them. This weakness is mirrored in the Dollar Index, which dropped 8 out of the last 9 trading days or 12 out of the last 14 trading days. If that's not a definition of a do…
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cosma avatar
cosma 12 Luty

Thanks Miss Yulia.

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USD back

After a very volatile North American session yesterday, currencies settled into a much sedate pace during Asian and European dealing as traders digested the price action and prepared themselves for today's NFPs.
Yesterday dollar rout was caused by the tempering of rate hike expectations with NY Fed's William Dudley practically telegraphing to the market that the Fed is likely to hold off on any tightening in March given the global economic slowdown. It's hard to believe that the market reaction …
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EURo Parity or No ?

Morning Users;
the Dollar bulls remained in control today with the greenback moving higher against most of the major currencies. EUR/USD spent the entire North American trading session below 1.09 while USD/JPY traded as high as 122.65. The recent reversal in the euro has many investors wondering whether the euro parity party is back on. Parity has always been a headline grabbing target that main street likes to focus on but seasoned traders like ourselves know that these overstretched goals are …
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Vendite generalizzate su USD

Buongiorno Utenti;prima che terminasse la settimana del FOMC, l’USD è stato colpito duramente a New York. Gran parte delle valute del G10 e dei mercati emergenti si è imposta sull’USD, perché ai falchi della Fed non è piaciuto il percorso di normalizzazione più morbido della Fed, anche se, alla riunione della scorsa settimana, il comitato ha eliminato il termine “paziente” dal comunicato. Le previsioni medie sui tassi (dots) dei membri della Fed sono scese significativamente, dall’1,125% allo 0,…
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