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Fed: Dudley speaks on regulation

Nothing on monetary policy or the outlook from the NY Fed President:
  • Need to do more to curb the odds of bank failures
  • Resolution plan not enough to solve too big to fail
The Fed can’t solve too-big-to-fail and Washington can’t solve anything.
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Washington is a wound for markets that will not heal

It’s beginning to feel a little like that great film, Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell
But the current Fiscal Groundhog day is no comedy. According to the great Karl Marx, who said "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce", it is more likely to be a farce.
Six years ago America blew up the world’s financial system thanks to its subprime mortgage mess. And now America is threatening the world’s financial system all over again. The budget and debt
ceiling d
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
mag avatar
mag 19 Paź

You have gone through. Lesson master of fundamental reasoning. Congratulations. Thank you po share this thought

sonjatrader avatar

As Marx said
"No one fights the liberty; to combat the freedom of others. Freedom has existed always, but sometimes as a privilege to some, other times as a right of all."
"Political power is merely the organized power of a class to oppress another."
Well done, you are a really great thinker. Thanks for share to all. :)

mimuspolyglottos avatar

Yeah, people so sure,so sure. Keynesianism starting to turn into Marxism? When I watched M. Moore's SICKO, I asked few Q my yankee friend about the Medc/Medaid in USA and I saw so much fire-breathing, heard so much ph......ks, and made a conclusion to myself that Sicko is simply an ad of medsystem of "Yankeestan". :)))

jezz avatar
jezz 24 Paź

I read it a while ago, and I have no clue why it isn't in my likelikelike folder :)

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Republican Senate caucus delayed until Tuesday morning

There had been chatter about rapid progress being made, but maybe not so much as to expect some sort of firm proposal tonight. The delaying of the full caucus meeting is likely a positive as leaders move forward in negotiations.
The Republican Senate caucus has now been delayed until Tuesday morning (US eastern time). 11am the scheduled time for the caucus meeting. 11am start – not bad work if you can get it. Peel me another grape.
Looks like we do more hanging on every word out of Washington.
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