Daytrader21's Blog


EUR/USD +100 Pips Profit and EUR/JPY Missed Target

In today's blog post I'll be talking about my latest trades that I took during the FOMC Statement. Both of this trade where based on the fundamental reaction on the news. If you have read my previous analysis about the FOMC statement you would have known that when it comes to market reaction I wasn't sure how it will react. So in that regard I didn't had any position left during the FOMC and I was waiting to see how the market react before to decide how I would have trade it.
Figure 1. EUR/USD
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Waiting for ECB Decision.

Today is ECB turn to hit the front stage, after RBA, BOE and yesterday BOC interest rate decision. Every now and than ECB meets outside of Frankfurt and today's meeting will be held in Cyprus. The market consensus is that ECB isn't going to make any monetary policy changes, however ECB more likely is going to release the execution details of the QE programme.
There are already some rumors in the market that gives highs odds that: "ECB may start buying securities as part of its QE programme on
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YY3 avatar
YY3 5 Mar.

bravo mane esti tare :)) 

VictoriaVika avatar

Motivational pic, good one! :)

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NFP - The State of the US Labor Market

The market has been exceptionally active since beginning of the year. This higher volatility is not exclusively showing up only on the FX market as other assets classes are exhibiting the same kind of volatility. This higher volatility are having an impact on how the market interprets the economic data as they become more important and the market more sensitive to any deviation from market forecasts.
Even thought NFP is an important market mover this volatility environment makes it even more imp…
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EUR/USD Trade Stopped out at BE+

My short EUR/USD position that I took the day Fed announced the 10B taper decision was stopped out at +20 pips. It was very obvious that this trade was taken based on some strong fundamental reasons. As tapering means higher interest rates and on the day of the announcement the yields on the 10 years US Treasury went up to 2.89% and this means US dollar strong across the board.
I didn't entered right away after the Fed announcement but instead I was waiting for the market to calm down and to com…
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geula4x avatar
geula4x 24 Dec.

+1 Liked: Nice combination of fundamental and technical analysis for this trade! Happy trading :-)

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 24 Dec.

This approach is very good. I tend to do so from time to time . The only drawback is that you need to observ closely your trades . Also a trailing stop just might help. But i don't know exactly if it's allowed in contes.


good trader

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