kahinistanbul's Blog


GBPusd overview

We see that the upward momentum in Sterling assets continues today, with some of the most prominent voices in the decisions of the Central Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee and the triumph of the Brexit bill voted in parliament by British Prime Minister Theresa may. However, despite the positive developments about Brexit in recent days, it is still worth noting that the uncertainties of Brexit continue in the country. For this reason, it is important to keep an eye out for possible exp…
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Brent oil

For some time, three main titles on pricing have come to the fore. U.S. oil production and price demands, sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, and the possibility of easing the OPEC-LED supply constraint. The eyes for Iran and Venezuela will be at the G7 Leaders ' Summit, which will begin today in Canada. Iran's OPEC administrator said today: no one at OPEC would accept US sanctions against two founding members (Iran and Venezuela), and warned that oil prices could reach 140 dollars if sanction…
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EURusd general analysis

1,1730 support is trying to cling on. Of dollars a positive air throughout the week we followed. Today's employment data, we can specify that supports the dollar. 1,1730 strong support for the pair. Are not able to overcome the rise in U.S. interest rates above parity in this area of 2.40 GHz and this allows you to hold on.
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