

10 stunning things surya namaskar does to your body

Have you ever start your morning making Surya Namaskar?
I want to tell you some things about this amazing yoga exercise.
I found a good explanation about it:
1)Boosts your overall health
Incorporating the Surya Namaskar into your daily routine can make a positive difference to your life. When done correctly, it provides a complete body warm-up as well as mental awareness. The process involves taking deep breaths while doing the 12 asanas which is beneficial for one’s health.
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 2015年03月28日

я тоже люблю в йоге это упражнение)


Get fit and slim with Yoga

インターネットからコピーされています Alexana5 投稿日: 2014年11月04日  in #Miss Dukascopy 2014 #Health #Fit #Yoga
I want to carry on ) after happy BodyBuilder post )
Here is 5 poses which makes your body fit and slim too.

1. Balance pose
aim:hips and legs

Put your feet together, arms at sides. Take a step forward with the right foot,
lift up your hands over your head. Fingers should be - show up. Simultaneously, tilt and lift the left leg so that it
was aligned with the body. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.
Return to starting position, change the supporting leg and repeat the po…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar
Sergej_Tomilino_2 2014年11月04日


tania007 avatar
tania007 2014年11月05日

thank you!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 2014年11月11日

Спасибо :)


Is there any place for Yoga in our life? ;)

What is your attitude towards Yoga ?
It tells that this is the Balance for Mind Body and Spirit.
Are you agree? Have ever try to do it on lessons or at home.
When I was 16, I try it first time. I remember we had an english channel called Club, and there was everyday video lessons, called "Yoga Zone". It was my first time I did it every day, even recording it yes we had a videorecorder with the casetts )
So after this video + cassetts we gave to my grandfather, he recording concerts from T…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
lupyyyy avatar
lupyyyy 2014年05月21日


shanziester avatar
shanziester 2014年05月21日

I don't like yoga. that's not for me. I just prefer weight training.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年08月19日

one month ago, i did yoga every morning.

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年08月19日

but right now i become lazy butt
