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EURusd overview

Remarks from European Central bank officials and Italian Economy Minister Giovanni Tria over the past week have led to volatile movements on the parite side. In his speech on monetary expansion and interest rates, Mario Draghi, the Head of the European Central Bank, who first made accurate statements earlier in the week, put pressure on Euro assets to sell. In addition, the Austrian Central Bank President and ECB Board Member Ewald Nowotny, the French Central Bank President and ECB Board Member …
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Forex (or Forex) Forex and what is Forex market?

Forex (or Forex)Forex and what is Forex market?Foreign Exchange Forex or FX is an acronym that is derived from the English words. Foreign exchange (or FX) today, to a large extent used in the sense of foreign currency or foreign currency, although national currencies to a national currency with the Forex from the same root of abbreviation is used for the modified process. These operations are done the Forex market, where forex trading organizations that have the name of the organization this pro…
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