There’re many people in the world who probably hurt you, and maybe you are still angry with them. But what for? I think that everyone has the right to choose. Every action has a reason.Sometimes “being hurt” means a growth. A growth that fills you deep inside, that gives you a purpose, that kicks you ahead. I think that we should take lessons from every situation that happens in our life. Sometimes it is really painful to take the truth, without any “sweet lie”. However that’s the only way to se…
To travel is to live
'My little trip to Vilnius"
Since my childhood I have been like travelling. Walking around the city, opening new places, exploaring new things, getting knowing with new people, comparing different cultures and people's mind set-all of these things help me to feel alive.
And recently I've decided to visit Vilnius alone. It was my first expirience of travelling alone. I was a little bit scared, because lots of my friends told me that it is not funny and can be even dangerous to travel alone. But I…
Since my childhood I have been like travelling. Walking around the city, opening new places, exploaring new things, getting knowing with new people, comparing different cultures and people's mind set-all of these things help me to feel alive.
And recently I've decided to visit Vilnius alone. It was my first expirience of travelling alone. I was a little bit scared, because lots of my friends told me that it is not funny and can be even dangerous to travel alone. But I…
Быть личностью,быть индивидуальностью,не бояться одиночества,не бояться идти одной.Никто не выполнит за тебя этот путь.Друзья могут подвести в ненужный момент,но если ты будешь пологаться только на себя,то обид в последующем и не возникнет.Не надо ожидать от кого-то, чего-то ,что тебе очень нужно. Иди по этому пути сама,а остальные последуют за собой. Кто-то будет с тобой на этом пути,кто-то уйдет,но это нормально.Лишь время и жизненные ситуации могут показать и проявить тех,кому ты действительн…