

USD/CAD- 7 years market cycle !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 1.2070
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 23 5月

UPDATE 1: The retracement  i anticipate occurred but was a bit stronger sending the pair 300 pips up. The current trading level is 1.2197 and comes at the peak of this retracement. From the looks of it this is an excellent point from which a fast sell wave can began.


CAD/CHF- Loonie recovering !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7842
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EUR/GBP- Grexit stop, bailout incoming !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7161
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AUD/USD - Fundamentals lead the price !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7787
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AUD/USD-Continues downtrend !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7740
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 4月

UPDATE 1: The us dollar lost some in value as expected  reaching a low of 0.7530 from the 0.7740 level at the time i posted the analysis.The prediction is looking good and set into the right direction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 4月

UPDATE  2: The pair rebounded  fast after its sell off  and now is again trading at 0.77 level.I would personally take into account recent fundamentals and think the RBA will intervene to send the exchange rate lower in order to gain some competitive advance and recoup the loses from the recent  iron ore devaluation. That been said if the rate goes lower there is a high possibility to reach my target.


NZD/USD - ,,Greenback'' struggles!

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Retracements, CCI , Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7638
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 4月

UPDATE 1:The pair reached the targed already retesting it until now for at least 2 times.The current deviation is only 14 pips from target but with half a month to go there are still a lot of price developments to factor in right now.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 4月

UPDATE 2:  Recent US macroeconomic weak data send the dollar in the red territory and helped all other currencies gain as result including the kiwi. From a technical point of view i can say current price development lead me to the idea that my target could not been reached but i hang on and think that we could see see the greenback recoup .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 4月

UPDATE 3 : Current price is 0.7691 which is really a long way from my target. The only way to hit the current target would be  to see tomorrow a fast sell which from a technical point of view can be highly probable.

Metal_Mind avatar

FINAL UPDATE : After 2 hours  since settlement the prediction hit the target. Late but still a great prediction . I am very proud of this result.


NZD/CAD- Strengthens further more !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: CCI, Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.9515
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 4月

UPDATE 1: The pair is trading at 0.9376 which is over 300 pips from target. I was a bit to bullish on the kiwi but still with half a month things can go very well. We shall have to wait and see.If the current reatracents finds a supports and develop a higher low there are high chances to narrow the deviation.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 4月

UPDATE 2: As said in previous update i was expecting a higher low  which formed 2 days ago on  the 0.9297 level .The new formed support was strong and from there the price action jumped over 100 pips in that day. I may say that the current outlook is definitely very good . We would probably see a 270 to 300 pips ascent  and afterwards a retracement which could be exactly what needed to hit my target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 4月

UPDATE 3 : The prediction is  very far from target.


NZD/CHF-retests major support zone!

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: Fibonacci Retracements , CCI,Support & Resistance
  • Current Level : 0.7375
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 4月

UPDATE 1: As expected the pair retested heavily old support in this 15 day elapsed now beeing at only 100 pips from my designated target. The bias is good and with half a month to go i say it has the potential to be a good prediction .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 4月

Update 2 : The current price is 0.7323 and the pair is in a 100 pips range. For the moment  the chances are 50/50 for this prediction.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 4月

UPDATE 3: It seem the pair gain the lost ground and it just hit the target forming a new support just few pips bellow the 0.72 price level which afterwards send the pair trading higher. On friday at the closing time the pair was trading at 0.7260 which is only 43 pips above my target. There are more than five days to go until settlement but things really looks good for this one

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 4月

UPDATE 4 :  EXCELENT  prediction.With only half a day to go  this prediction is almost fulfilled. The quality of the chart and price movement predicted is almost impeccable and right now the current price is 0.7226  which represents only 9 pips deviation from target.  The only problem i forsee is a very likely fast sell wave which will increase my deviation but overall this is a great analysis.


EUR/USD - First steps towards revarsal !

  • Charts: 4 H,1 Day
  • Elements used: Fibonaci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,CCI
  • Current Level : 1.0823
  • EUR/USD staggering sell out that started in the middle of 2014 has developed gradually, that until of course the ECB announced its mighty 1 trillion Quantitative Easing program to boost the euro zone economies by giving them a hand and letting them breath a little from the mountain of debts they've accumulated.
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 14 4月

UPDATE 1: I might have been to bullish on the euro but i advocate for the saying ,,what goes up must come down ,, and vice versa. I also see a similar intensity as the sell wave  in a potential reversal. It is a  prediction that currently is not in parameters but it remains to see how it develops.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 18 4月

UPDATE 2: The pair plunged Monday  to its lowest point of 1.0520 and afterwards started a steady rise towards 1.08.Seem that my point of view of ,,What goes up must come down '' proved correct. Of course the euro recent strength was helped by US weak  data releases.There is certain a lot of volatility in the pair which is normal due to current ,,Grexit '' situation but from the current 1.08 i can say may prediction stays in the game .

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 4月

UPDATE 3: The pair reached 1.09 level this week and even though there are more than 400 pips towards my target from current technical set up and with some help from the fundamentals  this prediction may come pretty close. Sometimes the ones you done believe  in come to surprise you.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 30 4月

UPDATE 4: GREAT PREDICTION. I anticipated the reversal precisely as can be seen in the charts above if compared to current price. Also my personal view for a bullish euro in contrast to the majority of analyst which were bearish  proved to be right and top notch i may say. Current price level is 1.1130 pair reaching a high of 1.12 today. There is almost 200 pips from current price to my target. In that aspect i may say that there is a high possibility for this prediction to close at a larger deviation. Beside that fact i  am very satisfied with this analysis in terms of quality.


CAD/CHF-Sideways incoming !

  • Charts: 1 Day,1 Week
  • Elements used: Andrew”s Pitchfork,Fibonacci Retracements,RSI,Stochastic.
  • Current Level : 0.8526
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 10月

Best wishes for October. :) :)
