

Weekly VWAP data

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone, as markets are closed let’s review CME VWAP data mapped to the currency pairs. These numbers represent ‘fair’ price which is a price most widely accepted by buyers an sellers since December contract inception.
Price will tend to return to these levels, however as contract will mature the VWAP will change as well, so it is useful for a reference, but additional data is needed to make a professional trading decision.
So here we go:[list][/list]…
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DEMand in EURUSD and USDJPY crosses

Strong support unwinds below 1.22 figure in EURUSD pair, however the potential of a correction seems to be limited to 30-50 pips. More interesting entry might be done on USDJPY where strong support sits just below 120.50 but potential is a figure or one and a half figures.
Risk for both trades is a half of the figure, the probability of 30 pips gain is about 80%.
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