Marie's Blog


Cheer up!

Dear ladies!We kindly invite new participants to register for Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest. Please don’t think that you are already late and can’t pretend to get our main prizes. Of course the points you are earning now are significant too, but the most interesting part is still yet to come. The most important tasks, where you will be able to earn even more task points, will be announced in September and October! For the current active participants: please invite your friends to participate in Mi…
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Our rules

Hi ladies! Rules are very important in each game, so let’s define them for Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest too. In June Dukascopy Bank cheerleaders will start posting simple and fun tasks for the contestants. Every task will have its winner. The more likes you have for your answer/post, the better the rank. The victories and points collected in mini-contests will be summed and the popularity rating will be taken into account to determine the TOP-10 participants. Their CV will be distributed to gue…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 22 May

O finally a good news :)

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Time to decide :)

Hi girls! Let’s continue the discussion Eugenia has started. First of all I would like to ask you dear ladies: what kind of challenges would you like to have? You are welcome to share your ideas, because we are going to have fun together In order to make Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest as much interesting as possible we are planning to offer you very different tasks. For example to write a romantic/sad/funny story about your first kiss or about your studies and (perhaps) cheating at the exams. ))…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 21 May

Let us maybe start with taking some special picture? We have a broad geography. Maybe our participants can take a pic of themselves holding the most beautiful note (currency) of their country?

Patrisha avatar
Patrisha 27 May

I think Eugenia's proposal is very interesting

Erialda avatar
Erialda 27 May

My proposal is simple , each cheerleader have a chart , one chearleader for one week for one topic, the theme should had been choosen by the chearleader not by the contestants, for example gita thinks to do a short video about your country , all contestants make the video, the chearleaders should give their points each contestant and the the best of the week will be choosen by total sum of points of chearleaders not by likes,cause some of girls could have a lot of friends and some not , i think the points of the challenges should given only by dukascopy chearleaders , not by community

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 28 May

Erialda, this is very close to what we are planning to do :)

Erialda avatar
Erialda 28 May

I should work for Dukascopy, since i have the same plan in my head :P, thanks Nick T

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Hi ladies! My name is Marie and I’m one of the Miss Dukascopy 2013 cheerleaders’ team. If you've always dreamed of becoming a princess one day, so now the time has come. Don’t miss the opportunity: Dukascopy will make your dreams come true by offering $250 000 worth prizes! It will be a completely luxurious experience. I wish you all the best and remember: the winner takes it ALL!
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zem1000 avatar
zem1000 16 May

good place to find a wife :) :) :)

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