Shadowcat's Blog



I was glad to meet many interesting people here and hope to stay in touch with them for THE LIFETIME (yes, I can be dangerous)
A special thank to... (like in the competition.... and 10 points go to-o-o-o.... )
Sharpshooter and papanin12 - I am really glad that despite the politic factor we can easily be honest, at first I was scared to talk to Ukranians here
- I will not tell anyone our secret
driven - a special thank for you know what
TelisHellano - this is a un…
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Moscow never sleeps 2

Specially for TradeTrading!
The previous video was more artistic in my opinion
and this one shows you more places of Moscow
For the instance, here you can see the interior of 2 metro stations - one of them is Novosloboskaya station.
On the time of 1.50 you see the Church of Jesus the Saviour which has a pretty strange story...
It looks centuries old, but it was just built in 2000. For the second time.
The first time this church was build in 1883 (after 44 years of work) .
But in the 1920s, becau…
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Stanislas avatar

Très tres impressionant, merci pour la visite.

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 16 Nov.

Nice video!

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

Stanislas, you should be here :)

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

Stanislas, you should be here :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Beautiful architectures

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Moscow never sleeps

Moscow (Russian spelling Moskva) is the largest city in Russia and Europe as well as one of the largest cities in the world ( it's on the 5th place).
It had the population of 12 million people in 2012 and probably already 13-17 million by now.
I would like to share one of the best short video I have ever seen about Moscow!
The author is the Belorusian photographer Artem Pryadko, a great talent!
After this video, you would like to see Moscow.. I'm sure!
So... pack your luggage and come here! You…
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Agnessa26 avatar
Agnessa26 25 Oct.

Очень красиво, думаю нужно будет еще раз там побывать !!

Stanislas avatar

Ville splendide, respect

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 16 Nov.

Good one!

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

Moscow is waiting for you :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Moskva is on my "Must visit" list before I go back to the cosmos :))) English widely spoken there?

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Keep calm and don't smoke

It was said so much about the harm of smoking. For a long time it has been proved, that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes air, but also ruins our health. But, in spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished
The health of a person is the main value in the life. It cannot be bought with any money!
What do you think about smoking?
Do you smoke or not? If your ever tried it?
What are the laws in your country?
I had my first experience at the ag 7-8…
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Stanislas avatar

bon je suis fumeur, ça m'aide à rester en bonne santé, mais je like quand meme le post.

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 16 Nov.

Thats good blog really!

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

Stanislas, do you smoke?

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

ijayakumar , thank you! Tell me about the smoking situation in your country, please :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Same problem all over this third rock from the sun

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Life is like a camera

A shy girl Irina works as a graphic designer for an ad agency.
Once she finds herself in the middle of a corporate conspiracy. What happens next changes Irina forever:
Someone tried to kill the poor girl, but she stayed alive: a street cat found her laying on the ground and breathed a new life into her. She becomes Catwoman, but what is a catwoman? She can leap like a cat, survive great falls and hiss. She is transformed into a woman with the strength, speed, agility and ultra-keen senses of a c…
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Stanislas avatar


ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 16 Nov.

ha ha ha :D

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

heeey, that's not funny! :D
I'm serious ))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

"..Someone has to save the world. Who is that hero?!"....

...hehehe.....Shadowcat?? :)))

antoine avatar
antoine 26 Oct.

Nice cleavage.

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Camera loves me ooh ooh

Diamonds are a girl's best friend
We all know this phrase from Marilyn's Monroe song of 1953 year (actually originally it was the song of Carol Channing in 1949 - though, it's another story)
I agree with this phrase. They are always near us when we need support in the hard time, never betray us and just please our eyes with their beauty...
And I have a big collection of jewerly which makes me feel better in lonely cold days and nights
So... I chosen one of my favourite elegant necklaces for t…
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homework527 avatar

The background matches your dress :)

Sergey_Kuznetsov avatar

Классное платье!

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 23 Oct.

fxsurprise8 , what a positive comment , I like your style :D

Stanislas avatar

So nice

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend".....hehehe....nowadays I think cold hard cash is a better friend :)))

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A question to the traders

I have a serious question to our dear traders, poker players and other male part of the community
You are working on this website and suddenly see a picture in the corner or you get a friend's request or a message from the girl who participates in Miss Ducascopy Contest...
Do you feel distracted because of that? What emotions do you have?
P.S. At first I didn't like the fact about trying to communicate with other users to get social points... but I found many really good people here, I'm sure we…
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Sergey_Kuznetsov avatar

Готовимся к торгам :)

Stanislas avatar

J'aime rendre service aux jolies filles. je suis célibataire donc pas de jalousie. Par contre c'est vrai que lorsque le marché est agité,  faire les bons choix,  revoir  sont analyse dans l'urgence, ré-agir en conséquence dans le calme et la maitrise des émotions. Ceux sont des moments cruciaux car les décisions sont lourdes de conséquence pour qui commet une erreur de jugement. Le Forex est un champs de bataille immense ou les petits traders  vont combattre un Dragon Immense dont l'objectif unique est d'avaler  notre trésors de guerre.

Shadowcat avatar

Stanislav, wow,that's a long message you wrote :P I need some time to translate ;)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

It's all just a game....including life chill out and not allow that to get the better of you. Simply live and be lived!

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5 star billion hotel - 2

It's so pleasant to wake up with the sounds of nature

I already started my story about camping in the middle of nowhere... the little island in the Volga river.
Hopefully, there were no bears. Just lot of snakes, turttles, fish, eagles, blue birds of happiness... and cannabis everywhere.
As the policemen there said :
Do you see this cannabis? While it's in the ground - it's just a plant. When you took it from the ground - it's a crime

The pic. Cannabis

Once, we went to the village…
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Stanislas avatar

un commentaire

Shadowcat avatar

Stanislas, pourqoui? :)

Stanislas avatar

Just a little joke, there is wrote: write a comment. So I do it

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

tu es un bon garcon :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

"...there were no bears. Just lot of snakes, turttles, fish, eagles, blue birds of happiness... and cannabis everywhere...."

Some thoughtful bros & sis must have planted the seeds for future campers/generation to enjoy :)))

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The real love story...

Though, my last post was a bit sad, I would like to continue the topic about love.
I was keeping this story since the July of 2014
And forgot some details...anyway... the true love story.
That time I went to Cyprus with my father for vacation.
In the evening when were having a dinner, we noticed a lonely English man sitting just next to us.
He was having a beer. My father likes to speak to foreigners, but he doesn't speak English. So my father was a initiator and we started to speak to him...
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Stanislas avatar

Nice strory but sad too

Shadowcat avatar

Lets believe we will meet the love like this one :)

Stanislas avatar

ho yes, tired to be alone

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 18 Nov.

enjoy, if you meet someone like me... you probably won't be happy haha :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

She must have been his soul mate....the type of love that a lot of us seek but, alas, never find. But we will keep on seeking and after life.

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The internet maniac

We think it can never happen to us until it happens to us.
Now, when some users from here got some provocative messages about me from different accounts, I have to write a post about this situation again.
I already wrote it last spring. Due to the fact I mentioned all the real names and details, the post was removed.
Now, I will not tell any details and anyone who wants to know them can contact me in personal messages.
It happened this way: In december 2013, one man wrote me a very warm message …
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homework527 avatar

I like that quote at the end.

Shadowcat avatar
Shadowcat 24 Oct.

homework527, now I know who didn't read the post and looked just on the pic in the end ;)

Stanislas avatar

Mans prefere look girl than listen them :)  but not me, I'm like diamons,  your best friend

Shadowcat avatar

you are my diamond, hehe :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

Yes, having a stalker in your life is a very disturbing and stressful experience. Why don't you file a police report on that guy?

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