Rozica's Blog


Paying on dates....

I am not sure that man has to pay always dinner at is nice if he pay....but if you live together than you have together money and it doesn't matter who pay dinner. If men want's to surprise his girl than it is nice that he pay the dinner if he invites her
Lady can either do the same thing. It is not a fact and it is not nice that always pay the same person because it would like that only one has money and other not or only one pays because other wants to eat free.....I thi…
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Going green :)

Hello everyone
are you green today just kidding a little bit
Green for me mean nature, live healthy and eat a lot vegetable and fruit and using cosmetics, detergent and clothing from nature ingredients
How green am I....I eat a lot of vegetable and fruit...using creme from natural incredients, I walk a lot in the parks and outside in nature where I can relax my mind and feel joy of life. I am doing nature cream for hands and for legs, it help for tired legs and muscle, it help for dry skin and…
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I am back in the game :)

Hello everyone
How are you? I am back now I had a lot of studying for my exams and now I am free for 1 month
What is new....I saw that there is a lot of new tasks so I hope I will done it soon because there is a lot of them..
On my side is new that I will go to Germany in October I hope if I will get my scolarship from my country.
Now I am searching for some job...anything would be good ......I would also like to travel around a little bit now...
when I have time
Did you think maybe that we …
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shanziester avatar

welcome back rozica

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Hello everyone
I don't have a tattoos over my body....why?
- because when you get older it doesn't look so nice, like they looked when you are young
- because if I get some work in business like in a bank I would never get a job because of tattoos
- because it hurt when you go to tattooed
They look nice to some is nice if you have one or two tattoos, but the whole body that is to me a little bit too much.
I have nothing against the people who have tattoos over their body. I hav…
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What makes me feel good :)

Things that make me feel good are:
- walking outside in nature with my friend or alone...I love silent places like nature of forest, Beach, walking in hills
- walking in new cities, meet new people and new culture....I like new experience and just for one day I can run away from all known people
- support of my family and friends makes me feel good because I know I can always count on them
- be happy without the reason or with the reason.... that is even better some days I just have that days t…
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Omela avatar
Omela 15 May

во многих вещах мы похожи)

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News from me...

How are you.? I haven't time to be here this days I had a lot obligations about my study and other things.
Do you know what is new? I will probably go to Germany to exchange I hope I will.
I was nominate from my shool there so I hope they will except me
And one more news....I am going to dj-ing in one club near my city...finally the city will hear me
I am in one competition to be the dj crown and the price is going to Miami
I have one more exam next week and the competition is on frid…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 7 Abr

it works now, thank you, there was something with my computer

Rozica avatar
Rozica 7 Abr

Nice :) and thank you for listening my track :)

Convallium avatar

Good luck, Rozica) You are amazing and talanted girl! )

Rozica avatar
Rozica 8 Abr

Thank you Convallium :)

Omela avatar
Omela 15 May

Интересно! Удачи тебе!

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Have a nice dream :)

Never miss a day because everyone is unique....
never miss a sun outside because probably be rain tomorrow....
never be the same everyday...... make a change... open to your heart because only with open heart you can accept others...
be one and only to change your life....not other people....
be the person which you want to be...deep inside you know....
if you are still searching for yourself someday you will find it....
This are my thoughts!
Have a good night, thank you
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Mar

very nice, Rozica! my opinion also the same

tanko avatar
tanko 1 Abr

good idea to make a change)

Omela avatar
Omela 15 May

Хорошие мысли)

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Good evening
I am late again.....but I could not post a blog a few hours ago because the connection to Dukascopy didn't work.
Did you ladies have the same problem?
But still I am here now to post something interesting
I want to know what do you think...
The question is: Can you change a man with this few sentences.....could it be possible to affect on his future when he was just a child?
Would you say these words to your child to make his stronger? or he has to learn on his own?
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seediee avatar
seediee 31 Mar

The only person who can m ake you happy is you! - my favorite I saying to my children! Of course with this positive sentences you can affect children. They are like sponges and absorb everything.

Rozica avatar
Rozica 31 Mar

Thank you for your comment :) But did you think that they could be unhappy too, because they still don't understand this sentences? or they never ask you how do you mean I could be happy because of me?

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Mar

our children's education depends on us - parents, and if we will teach them fair and nice things, will teach them to appreciate real values - they will have fair view of life....of course it doesn't mean that they will not make any mistakes, but they will be good persons. 

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 31 Mar

the same problem with connection was here in Vilnius too :)

seediee avatar
seediee 1 Abr

We have to speak, speak and speak with them. They are smart! In some part of my life I'm very shocked with their reasoning and advising me! I learn a lot's from them. They really evaluated if you understand me! :D

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30 abandoned places

Good evening
I have studied all day today....I feel tired.....I didn't realize that is 11 o'clock....this change of time always confused me.
If you have time take a look of that beauty places in the world which were abandoned.....30 abandoned places
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 31 Mar

I feel terrible with change of time....I need almost week to feel comfortable

Omela avatar
Omela 15 May

Ооо, интересно!))

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Men world

As I have to study a lot because exams are started here....I have found video about how would it be if woman would act like a men. I hope it still count for the task.
But still I will write something:
Male are special type in this planet who can not understand woman. And woman also cannot understand a
man. That is the way in this life. We attract each other and we adapt to each other so we can have a happy relationship
I have a lot of friends which are men, because it is nice to talk with them…
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nastiatru avatar

great video. Good luck with your exams, Rozica!)

Rozica avatar
Rozica 28 Mar

Thank you nastiatru :)

Delic avatar
Delic 28 Mar


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