anton_dang's Blog


Trading diary - February update

Hello again dear community friends,
first of all I would like to say that I have been out of trading for few months because I was totally busy. I hope this break would help me to trade more calm. I am aslo very happy that I meet up with my good friend and one of the best traders on the world - AIRMIKE. We had very interesting conversation 2 weeks ago....
February contest I started only in 2nd week of contest and I opened 3 posititions - NZD/USD - hoping that green dollar will keep strengthenin…
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Trading diary - July 2nd

Hey all,
the second trading day brought small correction on USD/RUB which wasnt very big and finally RUB was cloasing on very similar price as it was opened. I still believe that there is going to come fall and USD/RUB will be filled till the end of the week.
Lately today I decided to open short position on NZD/USD according to my prediction where I am expecting correction and strengthening US dollar. This pair is on 3 years maximum, NZ dollar has been stranghening in 4 weeks in the row and it h…
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ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 19 aou

nice article!

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Trading diary - July 1st

Hey all,
today I have decided to open only one position -- USD/RUB. My decision was made accorring to great grap on this pair after opening RUB. In the first day, it is in loss, as I believed in correction which havent come so far, but I still belive in it and I am going to hold this position maximum till Friday.
I believe this month is going to be very difficult because of holiday season and I do not expect very big vilatility so my (and I reccomend) to thickthen TP.
GL to all and wish so many …
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Trading diary - June 13th

Hey all,
as I wrote today I decided to change strategy a litle bit because wasnt confident with my portfolio growing so today I opened more positions and closed them quickly with small profit.
My first position was USD/SEK which made me small profit - about 150pips very quickly so I decided to move SL and it was closed. I opened on weekly pivot expecting pushback. Actually I can be happy that I moved SL because after it hit my SL it started falling again.
The second one was USD/RUB where I expec…
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Trading diary - June 10th, 11th, 12th

Hey guys,
I am going to share information about my portfolio from previous 3 day and present my plan for June 13th.
I had opened AUD/JPY which was closed in loss and actually it was my first lossy position in this month. I had also opened EUR/NOK position where I was waiting for pushback which came just today and I closed it with small profit after I moved SL.
Today I decided to do few intraday postions becasue I am in lack of profit in the contest and I also need volumes for social trading. I d…
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Trading diary - June 5th, 6th,9th

Hey all,
today I would like to write about last 3 trading days as I didnt have time to do it daily.
So lets start with last Thursday when was scheduled ECB Press Conference & European Bank Interest rate which was changed from 0.25% to 0,15%. I dont want to write about monetary decision and how it influenced market in general. Bierfly - my position fall down and I lost my profit from first three days. I just closed USD/RUB in nice profit (in pips not in equity profit as I made mistake and opened …
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Trading diary - June 4th

Hey all,
very short and brief summary from June 4th.
1) I should closed USD/MXN!!! Ttoday I lost about 50% of porfit from this position. I hope tomorrow bulls will come back.
2) USD/SEK started fallling as I expected and I have nice profit here.
3) USD/RUB was in big loss today but it felt down during evening hours.
EUR/SEK - I am really angry about this position because as I wrote yesterday, for me it was "sure bet". I set up conditional order but it wasnt opened and todaay EUR lost aobut 500-…
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Trading diary - June 2nd

Hi all,
yesterday, I wrote short explanation to my first trades. First of all, I am going to say something brief about that trades then I would like to bring and explain my view for next trades I am thinking or I am going to open.

I entered to bearish position yesterday and since then market in this pair was really choppy with small volatility maybe about 200 pips in this pair so I still have to wait and hope that market will go in my direction. You can see it here:
It has…
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it had to be June 3rd

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Trading in June - USD pairs

Hello my friends,
new month has already started and I hope I will have more time for trading than it was previous month. As usually I would like to show you my thinking and trading view for USD pairs which I usually trading. I can start with USD/SEK which really strengthen during previous month and is on top price of year 2014 - it is 6m high and there is strong resistance at level about 6.7. If this pair will get to this level and even pass it it will be top since last July. You can see on my c…
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Secod week of May

Hello everybody,
I would like to share brief summary about my previous trades and share my thinking and my oppinions for market future direction.
Last day of first week of May was really bad for me also because of my stupidity. My USD/MXN position was hit by SL and I opened USD/RUB expecting correction on bearish side. This trade would be profitable if there wasnt weekends cutting leverage. So finally it was closed because of margin cut.
Yesterday I opened short position on USD/SEK acording to t…
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