lelipuzik's Blog


Lelipuzik has taken 79th place in 911 Contest Jul 2017

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Lelipuzik has taken 39th place in 911 Contest Jun 2017

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Lelipuzik has taken 19th place in 911 Contest May 2017

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Языки мира

А вы знали, что на земле насчитывается более 7 тысячи языков! Конечно с развитием технологий это число падает и в скором времени эта цифра станет чуть ли не в половину меньше...
Но! Есть те языки, которым вымирание в скором времени не грозит, так как на них разговаривает примерно 2/3 населения земли и их количество примерно состоавляет 40-45.
Кстати! Научный факт! В наше время гораздо больше людей, которые знают более чем два языка, это новшество на сегодняшний день в этой сфере. Оно носит назв…
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uber avatar
uber 26 Set

lelipuzik Your "PS" is so true. ))

lelipuzik avatar

uber im happy that you think so too!)))

ak10 avatar
ak10 28 Dez


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Cold September

Доброе утро всем! Сегодня как-то по особенному холодно и серо за окном. Не веселый фильм и не вкусный горячий кофе с печеньем не могут никак разогнать ту грусть, которая охватывает осенью...
И что бы не было запланировано в такой день - ничего не охота делать. Нет, есть одно желание, лежать под одеялом и не высовывать нос на улицу!
А как вы боретесь, друзья мои, с этой точкой грусти, которая нависает над нами, сразу по окончанию тёплых летних деньков, перед началом холодной и такой не уютной з…
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lelipuzik avatar

FXRabbit just a sec, sorry!)

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 26 Set

Not a problem and thank you :)

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Sia and her secret

Sia (Sia Kate Isabelle Furler). She was burn in 1975 in Australia. She was started her career in 1990 and only in 2008 finally she became popular. Nowadays everyone know her and love her songs. And in few year she became really popular. Her songs was on top of world chart. In 2011 she sad, that she stop her carrier as singer, she stop writing songs for another singer, because she want return time, when she was unknown person and around her wasn't so much attention.
3 years ago she write new son…
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Stanislas avatar

hu hum

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As everyone I have different clothes in my wardrobe. And as everyone I have a few things which will be really strangely in normal life ( i mean if I wear it). I love cartoons and everything what could be connected with cartoons. And yes, in my wardrobe I have sleepwear\ski suit, which i could wear for example to the University or job. Maybe on party or something like that, but not just like everyday look.
And, its like really tiger! I made a short video with that suit and in this video you can …
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TheSaniiaAle avatar

Класс!)! настроение подняло )

Stanislas avatar

I like so much

EvanPage avatar
EvanPage 25 Set

lelipuzik So Adorable. hehe :)

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Fitness or podium body

Guys and girls!
Today our understanding of beauty, standards and options are not the same as 50 years ago. Do you remember Merilyn Monroe and her body? And if you will see nowadays women with such body volume, would you like them? I think most of all - no.
Now, as I see peoples tastes divided into two parts : first one - who really love women with fitness body, big elastic ass and legs, broad back and big shoulders.....And second group - who like podium body, i mean high, thin, with featureles…
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DumbAsArock avatar

I'll take Elizabeth Hurley in her prime.

driven avatar
driven 22 Set

Girl on the right has more muscle, but is still very lean. None of them look like Marilyn Monroe :)

lelipuzik avatar

DumbAsArock unfortunately I don't know know who is it :((((

DumbAsArock avatar


You've probably seen at least one of her movies, Алёна

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Otter - Instagram star

Hello, hello! Today in Instagram i find really funny and cool page. Little backstory - nowadays pets have they're own page in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.. In they have much more followers then people sometimes! In my Instagram only 300 followers ! Where are you, my thousandth auditory ???(((
Ok, I'm joking ))) but if you want - follow me)))))
And we back to the topic about animals. Today in the morning by chance I find interesting and funny page of famous Otter. Her names - Ponchan. Unf…
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driven avatar
driven 22 Set

Cute :)

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Hey mama, I'm a blogger

Hello my friends! Today I want to ask you about one things - what do you think about new flow in easy way to make big money- to become a blogger. Nowadays every 5 person - blogger. Exactly in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. Today our internet is full of many-many video where people review, test, or film every day of they're life etc.. By the way i see 4 years girls channel on YouTube!!! she has near 1 million followers !!!! And do you know what she do? she play in dolls....And camera film that....And …
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