Блог Nick_T


Miss Dukascopy 2014 inauguration: LIVE STREAM

Dear friends,
Miss Dukascopy 2014 is now officially over. Let us watch the stream from the final Geneva Forex Event together.
A small spoiler for Miss Dukascopy 2015: We'll send every month's winner to Geneva
Cheers to Maria_R and happy holidays to everybody!
Stream starts at 18:30 GMT
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BettySlattery avatar
BettySlattery 2 Янв.

That you have the right answer chewing  TesteroneXL

verindur avatar
verindur 3 Янв.


Pisakjanos avatar
Pisakjanos 4 Янв.

No sound. :(

lolloo avatar
lolloo 5 Янв.

nice, but there is no sound?

SalviLeana avatar
SalviLeana 9 Янв.

I was there :)

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I'm so excited - THE FINAL VOTING

Ladies, gentlemen...
in 3 hours we will know for sure who is the Miss Dukascopy 2014. Who is the one and only. Who is the Queen for the next year.
Go to the voting page and - http://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/miss_dukascopy/?action=final
Once there, join us in chat!!!
And yeah, a small tricks for my readers: that's the link for the popped-out version )
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Behold, the top 10 is out there

Well, as you've read in the news, the rating is out.
Will be very keen to see you all tomorrow at the Voting Ceremony. My personal congratz to the top 10:
  1. Elani
  2. HelgaPehkel
  3. Maria_r
  4. Olga18375
  5. peachinicnic
  6. VictoriaVika
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 19 Нояб.


Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 19 Нояб.

Wow! can't wait to see ;)

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 19 Нояб.

Thank you also, Nikita, for your patience :)

verindur avatar
verindur 19 Нояб.

Will be very keen to see you all tomorrow at the Voting Ceremony. My personal congratz to the top 10:

Thank you all for your hard work, for me everybody is a winner. And also, thank you, team members, for your hard and diligent work.

And that is called copyright violation. Also I allow the top 10 to click the like button of this blog first.

Atashi_Tada avatar
Atashi_Tada 19 Нояб.

so excited!!!!!

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Miss Dukascopy 2014 Final Rating

Dear ladies,
October results are out and a very important procedure has started - we are now preparing the Final Rating.
Let me underline that the overall rating you see on the website is NOT the final rating!
According to the rules, the Final rating is created by taking into account 2 best months for each participant and the rating for October + Dukascopy Evaluation.
In order to make it as honest and valid as possible, we kindly ask us to PRIVATELY (not in comments, not in blog to avoid any dis…
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Miss Dukascopy - what is going to happen next

While we are reviewing results for October, nothing is over yet. Girls, you should be active
Miss Community
To fight for the nomination "Miss Community", you have to be active in November.
Miss Blogger
Same story here, we'll publish a fresh task today. Keep doing the good job and the prizes await you in December.
And now Q&A regarding Miss Dukascopy
Q: Who will become Miss Dukascopy?
A: We don't know just yet. It will be decided on November 20, during Geneva Forex Event.
Q: Who will fight…
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 4 Нояб.

Thank you for information)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 4 Нояб.

Thank you for detailed information Nick))))

Elani avatar
Elani 5 Нояб.

I have 2 questions regarding Miss Blogger contest:

1.Popularity points - are you going to count all likes and comments of blogs and photos or only of blogs?

2.Prize  $10,000 - will it be in cash or as a trading account or we can take 1/3 of it in cash?

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Miss Dukascopy Final days

Like like like like like like like!!!!
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 30 Окт.

Крутой ролик)! Поднимает настроение очень)

Elani avatar
Elani 30 Окт.

Please post also one about commenting ))))))))

ANABEVZ avatar

so, i can say that it's crazy time for all us))))

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 30 Окт.

Ahhhh... This video were created for the pump standard people emotions :) Funny :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 31 Окт.

LOL!!!!!! This video is really cheerful!)))))

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Miss Dukascopy Finale and rules amendments

Dear ladies, the final 3 months have begun and it'll soon be clear who will be in the top10 to fight for the Miss Dukascopy Title.
No finals come without making the competition more exciting and serious. Therefore, some things will change.
Let's deal with July first.
  • We've spotted that some of the participants were using bots and chain registrations to boost their ratings. This is not acceptable. Therefore the likes/comments obtained that way will be deleted.
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shanziester avatar
shanziester 11 Сент.

I think Nick already mentioned new rules will be applied from the month of August. So I believe August 1st will have the same impact as well. :)

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 11 Сент.

shanziester  I hope also.

Elani avatar
Elani 12 Сент.

yes dear shanziester but it is already 12 of September but I don't see changes

shanziester avatar
shanziester 12 Сент.

Big brother is watching all of ya. he will do a fair job before the winners are announced :D 

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 16 Сент.

as for the comments - we'll do that today. Sorry, I don't deal with MD that much anymore.

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Cheating in the contest - bad idea

Remember ladies, big brother is watching you.
140 - sense_of_life_is
67 - solncez
18 - Irina24
7 - Gulia
6 - Anna_Konoplyastaya
6 - Maria_r
5 - protoghost
Wonder what is it? This is how many friend invite/app installations were faked by our most cunning and lucrative participants currently present in the contest.
That's the fake installations of the mobile app. How is it possible?
Well, appears that it is. Unfortunately for the participants, it is easy to monitor.
What we're going to do now is m…
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Viktoria1208 avatar
Viktoria1208 28 Июль

Viktoria1208 avatar
Viktoria1208 28 Июль

@Nick_T , я по поводу этого : У меня предложение! Если вы и правда не будете высылать призы девушкам, которых упомянули, тогда как и в любом другом конкурсе призы должны переходить следующим конкурсанткам, которые идут за топ 10 Июня. А то так получается, что вы специально не говорили раньше участницам про правила установки приложения, что бы не высылать призы никому.

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 28 Июль

ну вот, так вышло, что на тот момент июньские призы уже были зачислены. Поэтому, пусть будет как есть. Тем более, что эти нарушения уже июльские.

Tolick avatar
Tolick 29 Июль

@Nick_T, будьте так любезны, скажите июньские призы всем девушкам зачислены?

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 29 Июль

Nick_T , poxoze i k nam priplyli tioplyje strujki :) voda segodnia byla super!

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Nastiatru is away for a vacation

Hey ladies, nastiatru is away for a vacation, therefore she won't reply. Simply ask me. I'll try to help you out.
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Nastii avatar
Nastii 2 Июнь

Nick_T, выиграла 7 место еще в апрельском конкурсе, все договора и соглашения были подписаны еще 2 недели назад. А деньги на счет так до сих пор не перевели. и пароли также высланы не были. Менеджер не в курсе причины, и за последнию неделю от него новостей тоже никаких. Что делать? :)

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 2 Июнь

Писать мне в приват.  :)  И заодно сдайте мне вашего аккаунт менеджера туда же

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Meet Anna Konoplyastaya

created by Natali_poltavskaya
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Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 21 Май

Анечка красотуля ^_^

Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar

Мне очень нравится)) спасибо Вам)

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 22 Май

Красотка! молодцы!!)

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