Блог Unrestricted


Fibonacci analysis for AUD/SGD

Tried to look for pair which shows the correct behavior to use fib retreacement analysis. Looks like Aud/SGD will be at retreacement moment now till mid of November to again gain and cross the support level and reach next highs at 1.0770 LEVEL.
This will be my prediction for December First.
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EUR/USD Will test the June'16 highest levels

Last Month I was estimating EUR on level below 1,11. However I see now the USD will be dropping to lower levels in Q4. Technicals I want present here are the following.
1. FIB level retracement on 61% achieved than I an expecting turnover to higher levels
2. Moving average 150 and 200 should now works as a support levels
3. Fundamentals will help to drive this pair up
Good Luck
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USD/CHF Data for both markets will consolidate price.

Looking at the Wave shape and 4h trading channel we might see some consolidation around 200EMA. On first chart You can see how I am expecting the trading values through the wave channel. (4h chart)
Daily chart presenting some estimation how the sale signals should be initiated base on STOCH and his sequential for on 20days cycle.
Will comment later on how this looks in to my estimation
Good Luck
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USD/JPY - USD DATA Weeker, no rate hike, Support broken

I will continue work on USD/JPY analysis. As You can see on the chart I would like to reinforce downtrend. Last fundamentals convinced me to keep estimation of keeping current trend, As a strong resistance I see EMA 100 on daily chart as shown below. we can reach once to this level before December dropping later and braking support ad ending on 98,99level.
The 2nd chart will represent the pitchwork will create the channel of this pair through november
Have a Great Contest
Good Luck to All
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Unrestricted has taken 7th place in Fundamental analysis Contest Oct 2016, week 1

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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 7 Окт.

Congratulations on your first contest win at the Dukascopy Community and I hope you will win plenty more!

Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 8 Окт.

Thank You my Friend. Good Luck to You

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USD/JPY Long Condolidation period until 1st of November

Hi All. Please see my technical analysis for USD/JPY. In My opinion we are at the longer consolidation period at the strong support level on 99,8xxx level and moving resistance on MA100 .
In my opinion This pair will have problems to brake resistance market on MA100 as on shown graph. The MA 100 line will have downtrend pushing this pair down to support level of 99,8xx what will influence on longer consolidation through next month.
I am Expecting USD/JPY on 100,944 close to current pivot point l…
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Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 30 Сент.

Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 30 Сент.

Not sure Why my 2nd chart is not loaded

Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 9 Окт.

Looks like the up reversal was stronger than I expected. However. Now my strategy looks even better. I see double top on 104 level which was not broken and clear sale signal on 5h chart base on rsi which drops from overboght level. Lets push it down ;)

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Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 26 Сент.

Got it FxRabbit

FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 26 Сент.

Thank you ^_^

Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 10 Окт.

Now critical moment. I this will break the 113 level than it is straight forward to reacb my november level. Let'see

Unrestricted avatar
Unrestricted 11 Окт.

1.113 level is broken. Now long time to hold this level.

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Dolar Indeks - Continuation of Short positions

Hi All.
Om my last Pot I have show You my prediction of Dolar Indeks what exactly was happen Today. Dolar Index dropped to level of 95,4 close to expected area.
We can see now some retreicement and ,,Air" for scalpers but from 4h chart perspective I think we should continue to drop.
For EUR/USD means Bullish during next week in my oppinion
Good Luck to All
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Double TOP for USD INdex. Bullish time for EUR

Hope You all are Doing Great.
Today I would like to explain what is already started. In My Opinion USD Dolar Indes reach a double TOP Patern which can drive EUR/USD much higher. Interdependently on Todays News from Labor market we should see a Bearish time for EUE/USD pair
Good Luck to All
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Fundamental analysis Contests

Dear All
please tak a look at attached chart. This is what happened Today in Fundamentals Contest.
In My opinion 10 min slot is not enough to represent correct market reaction base on fundamentals. In my opinion This should be improved to make this competition analytical and proper (we are making assessment of reaction base on fundamentals)
Pleaes let me know Your comments.
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 14 Сент.

А все остальные - так

Дукаскопи не стоит на месте. Продвигает равенство))

alias1980 avatar
alias1980 14 Сент.

я лично поддерживаю Sharpshooter что надо увеличить интервал 10 минут в ФА. Увеличение времени необходимо для точности и надежности прогнозов! А то получается что прогноз делаешь правильный - а конечный результат решает доля секунды иногда!!!!!! Не правильный подход! Выходит что это не анализ а угадаловка!

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 22 Сент.

Хуже, чем на этой неделе "ромашки" еще не было(( Я сдаюсь(
Показательна сегодня йеновая пара. Оба прогноза сегодня мимо . Показали по итогу 10 минут вниз. Причем на последних секундах менялось направление((
А по итогу на рынке... что?? Пара растет!!

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 13 Окт.


Там мои эмоции))(

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 13 Окт.

Это на Йене в последнем прогнозе

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