Блог tania007


Christmas Task

Новый год это то время, когда даже взрослые люди начинает верить в чудеса и ведут себя как малые дети. Именно на Новый год мы мыслями отправляемся в детство, вспоминаем приятные и теплые моменты: когда ложились спать в надежде проснуться ночью и увидеть Деда Мороза (Санта Клауса), на утро найти подарок под елкой, и обязательно загадать желание которое с будиться в Новом году!! И сегодня я расскажу вам об удивительной истории, которая произошла со мною, о том как исполняются желания загаданные в …
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astanova avatar
astanova 2 Янв.

С Новым Годом!!!!!!! Мечты и правдо сбываются на Новый Год!

tania007 avatar
tania007 2 Янв.

In this video you can see how dreams come true in the New year! The main thing to believe it!

MFXM avatar
MFXM 2 Янв.

great video, congratulations !

viktor78 avatar
viktor78 4 Янв.

Отличное видео, у меня тоже много желаний сбывались, которые я загадывал именно на Новый Год!

tania007 avatar
tania007 4 Янв.

Thank you!! Happy New year - with new happiness!

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Last day!

Today is the last day of the contest Miss Dukascopy 2014. Yes, already selected the top 10 and was named Miss Dukascopy 2014 - Maria_r. But very soon will call Miss the Community (10 thousand dollars) and Miss Blogger (10 thousand dollars). And this contest will end in 2014. What of all congratulations!! This year away - but will the New year and will have a new selection of participants!
I wish Everyone in the New year whatever you desire!
Thank you, I want to say the competition! A huge thank …
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alex4521 avatar
alex4521 30 Нояб.

Поздравляю с завершением конкурса!

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Celebrate the New Year in the USA?

Celebrate the New Year in the USA?
Today, we take you to the amazing country of USA. Before the New year, the stores are doing great sale of various goods. I'm in a previous blog post talked about Black Friday. And so it is with Black Friday starts preparing for the New Year in the United States. New Year in the United States is celebrated from December 31 to January 1 in noisy companies, clubs, on the streets.
The most famous and crowded meeting place for the New year is already more than a hun…
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What you need to know about online shopping?

What you need to know about online shopping?
We all know that the Internet can buy goods cheaper than in your country. Minus have to wait some time and you may have to pay shipping. On some sites the shipping costs more than the product. And so, go to your chosen online store and click on filter.
The filter is necessary to select a particular item to select 1 Piece Only, Free Shipping. Then you will not have to pay for the flight of the goods, and buy not one, not many goods.
Watch long did some…
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serega007 avatar
serega007 30 Нояб.

Выбирать сложно, главное уметь!

tania007 avatar
tania007 30 Нояб.

Правильно serega007. Ошибиться можно легко

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Celebrate the New Year in Switzerland!

Celebrate the New Year in Switzerland!
1. In Switzerland, the New Year is celebrated fun, be sure to present new year's champagne, fun party and a Grand fireworks display. The main difference from other countries is a Masquerade.
2. The Swiss believe that if the New year on the floor will be shed even one drop of cream, it will bring the owners wellbeing and prosperity.
3. An old tradition to share pear gingerbread with neighbors and friends.
3. If New year's on the floor to shed the cream, then…
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Black Friday!

Black Friday!
Yesterday in Ukraine, Russia, China passed the "black Friday". The meaning of this event is that the stores reduce prices for a whole range of products. This event first started in the United States. In USA Black Friday is always on this day of the week, which comes immediately after thanksgiving. This day begins the season of sales before Christmas.
Many shops could join the action!
All stores must follow certain rules:
• Should be possible to reduce rates;
• There must be enough …
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serega007 avatar
serega007 30 Нояб.

Я думал, чего ты гулять не выходила, опять шопингом занималась

filip19901 avatar
filip19901 30 Нояб.

I bought a cool jacket with 60 %discount

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Makeup and hairstyle: how to do!

Makeup and hairstyle: how to do!
here are simple rules that you can do makeup and hair for any output!
1. Hair: straighten hair is to align the parts of the hair, not to overdo.
2. Makeup: tonal basis apply on hand. Heated to body temperature to breathe on tonal basis. Apply along the lines depicted on the video. Paint eyes: start with white tones and darker finish.
The rest of the skill of his hands!
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vitaliksv avatar
vitaliksv 30 Нояб.

Да, макияж бывает разный: хороший и не очень)

vitaliksv avatar
vitaliksv 30 Нояб.

Но ты справилась отлично!

tania007 avatar
tania007 30 Нояб.

Спасибо, главное что не так как на первых фотографиях)

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The movie which is loved by all!

The film which has captivated the whole world with day release and on today! What to watch on new year holidays? Of course, the movie "home Alone". The main role was played by Macaulay Culkin. Story: the boy had a very happy new year, what would his family have disappeared..and his wish came true.. but during the holidays 2 of the criminal robbed of his district. The story of how 8 year old boy defended his home from criminals!! This Comedy I want to see every year!! The film was released in 199…
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pavljuk avatar
pavljuk 28 Нояб.

This is my love film

vlad871452 avatar
vlad871452 30 Нояб.

Люблю этот фильм. Надо как раз посмотреть перед Новым Годом

tania007 avatar
tania007 30 Нояб.

Я сама хочу эго посмотреть. Не смотря на то что знаешь этот фильм до самых малейших деталей, хочешь его смотреть снова и снова

diann avatar
diann 30 Нояб.

Home alone is a great movie!

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 30 Нояб.

me too, this is my love film

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How do you celebrate Christmas in Finland?

Finland is the country that first visit Santa Claus, who arrived from Lapland to give gifts to children! The main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25. The new year is kind of a repeat of Christmas.. the Whole family gathers at the table full of food. In Finland the local population believes in the predictions. And this Christmas they are guessing, melting the wax and pouring it then in cold water. In twelve hours a day in Turku is the oldest city and former capital of…
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vlad871452 avatar
vlad871452 30 Нояб.

Классное видео, не знал, что все по разному празнуют

tania007 avatar
tania007 30 Нояб.

Вот, вот, традиции очень отличаются)

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New year in France!

New year in France!
Today I will tell You how to celebrate New year in France.France is an amazing country that has its own traditions for the New year.
French Santa Claus is Pere Noel.He brings gifts to children, which leaves the stockings. Children who behaved well - goes to Bob. These children flock bobowski kings. The desire of the king do all the rest!
Santoni - wooden or clay figurines, which are placed near the tree. A good winemaker is obliged by tradition to hug a barrel of wine and co…
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