
us_copiosus strategy approved

1 Jan.

us_copiosus registered for Strategy

28 Dec.

us_copiosus Strategy was approved

1 Apr.

us_copiosus strategy approved

31 Mar.

us_copiosus registered for Strategy

30 Mar.

us_copiosus wrote a comment in the Strategy Contest

Hi again - I meant to say that the asymmetric point was referring to GBP/JPY - not the EUR/USD code

us_copiosus created new strategy in the Strategy Contest


6 Dec.

us_copiosus wrote a comment in the Strategy Contest

Hi there Interesting strategy BUT Trading Rules 5b - maximum of 1 open position - no coding to check this and Programming Rules 3b - symmetrical coding for opening long / short positions. In order to ...

us_copiosus created new strategy in the Strategy Contest


6 Dec.

us_copiosus registered for Strategy

29 Jan.

us_copiosus wrote a comment in the Trader Contest


Very interesting blog

My automated systems are nearly complete (after x years) and a lot of help from you :)

My next step is to setup an account with...
11 Jan.

us_copiosus wrote a comment in the Strategy Contest

Hi there I am wondering what conditions you were running on 3rd and 4th November ? Clearly you have updated your strategy to a point where it might as well be asleep :)

us_copiosus created new strategy in the Strategy Contest


25 Nov.