
TBFX wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

Well I completely did my arse this week going long the euro on last monday's open.
16 juin

TBFX wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

If one seeks to gain a bunch of popularity points, all one needs to do is to post the following question on the blog on Friday evening: "Why did dukascopy close my trades, it is not...
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

good for pips
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

also nice for pips
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

nice for pips
8 juin

TBFX wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

Done for the week. Time for beers & football...
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

excellent trade amigo
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

what a legend
8 juin

TBFX commented an order in Trader Contest blog

time to call it a week amigo ;-)
8 juin

TBFX wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

Trading the RUB is fun...
8 juin