
iFox2015 created new gallery

11 juin

iFox2015 won a prize position in the Community predictions

Congratulations, IFox2015 has finished 8th in the Community predictions, 1st March, 2020 - 31st March, 2020, and won...
3 avr

iFox2015 predicted bearish impact of Export Price Index in the Fundamental analysis Contest

12 mar

iFox2015 registered for Fundamental analysis

12 mar

iFox2015 predicted bullish impact of ISM Manufacturing PMI in the Fundamental analysis Contest

2 mar

iFox2015 registered for Fundamental analysis

2 mar

iFox2015 won a prize position in the Community predictions

Congratulations, IFox2015 has finished 4th in the Community predictions, 1st February, 2020 - 29th February, 2020, and...
2 mar