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Task 2 - Support for Michael Martinez

How can someone from a tropical country with no snow compete in the Winter Olympics? It seemed impossible but, 17-year old Michael Christian Martinez became the Philippines’ only bet in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and the country’s first Winter Olympian in two decades.
Olympic dreams start all over the world each and every day, Nicholas McCarvel of writes, about the Philippines’ lone representative in this year’s Winter Olympics at Sochi. For Olympian figure skater Michael Ma…
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My story.My Attitude.My Life - Task 1

I am Maria Lizvina L. Abar from San Mateo Rizal, Philippines.
Snobbish, Picky, Benevolent, Friendly, Keeper of Secrets, Straightforward, Irresistible, and a Conceited one.
I am an easy going person and FUN TO BE WITH.. ILOVE to TALK ,TALK and then TALK.. Wahaha!
I'm just a simple person.. I'm not considering myself as Pretty nor Beautiful.
I'm just going with the flow to what makes myself look good on the eyes of other
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CriticalSection avatar
CriticalSection 16 تموز

Congratulations Maria this is an absolutely brilliant introduction :))

Lizvina16 avatar
Lizvina16 21 تموز

Thanks alot!

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Task 22: This is me.. then.

Well, this is me 15 years ago since I am only 19 now I can't post a picture of 20 years ago.
So instead of that I use this.
You can see that the 1st photo on the left is really a old photo I just scanned it.
For me it's kinda cute because it shows my innocent as a little child.
And on the right. Whew! I already turned into a beautiful simple lady and I'm happy with it.
So I am takecare of myself very well. I always make sure that I eat healthy and I look fine infront of other people.
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