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Speculo_ergo_sum has taken 94th place in Dukat Contest Jul - Sep 2016

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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
kosmos53 avatar
kosmos53 28 كانون الثاني

Требуется успешное продолжение, чего я вам и желаю.

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Expectations for Friday the 4th of March

Pair Expectation, target value – maximum or minimum for the day
AUDUSD down, target: 0.7180
EURUSD down, target: 1.0810
USDCAD down, target: 1.3350
GBPUSD down, target: 1.3990
USDJPY down, target: 111.50
USDNOK down, target: 8.380
NFP data for the US economy is due for release this coming Friday. The numbers might induce significant volatility across the markets, especially if the data print is an outlier – either to higher or lower end. Considering that ISM had been rather dismal recentl…
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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Expectations for Thursday the 3rd of March

Pair Expectation, target value – maximum or minimum for the day
AUDUSD down, target: 0.7200
EURUSD down, target: 1.0810
USDCAD down, target: 1.3310
GBPUSD down, target: 1.3950
USDJPY down, target: 111.50
USDNOK down, target: 8.580
GDP data for Australia came out better than expected, despite relative weakness of commodity prices and AUD. These numbers might set the long-term trend for AUD – apparently nothing prevents interest rate hike and it seems that any increase in inflation might in…
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الترجمة الى الانجليزية اظهار الاصلي
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