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Task 19, part1

翻译为 英语 显示原始

My first mini-collection

Egypt always inspired and captured me. As you know creative people cannot live without creation. When I read about the history of Egypt, see its accessories, read about their culture, Gods it is so captured me that I just took my pencil and began draw. I Like something mistic and magic-Egypt is full of secrets....All their life they prepair for afterlife...A great amount of symbols inspired me for creating collection. Ra-God of the Gods, depicted as a falcon, The Eye of Gora-protection and wellb…
翻译为 英语 显示原始
Viktoria1208 avatar

Невероятно красиво!!!

Jalina avatar
Jalina 21 6月


Golda avatar
Golda 21 6月

меня тоже всегда привлекал Египет, особенно из-за Клеопатры.Н у, а вам пора свою коллекцию наверное выпускать!

Jalina avatar
Jalina 21 6月

Клеопатра-великая женщина!!! надеюсь моя мечта осуществится

Omela avatar
Omela 28 6月



While my baby sleep))

As I wrote before I like drawing and fashion, and as you know I am young mother, our son is 6 months, but I try to have time for myself-one of what I like to do and my soul can have pleasure is drawing)) I just began study drawing professionally so please don`t judge strictly)) one of my tasks was to study draw really difficult to draw hands and fingers, especially to understand how every finger will change in moving. You should imaging it like rectangular area and then learn the rules …
翻译为 英语 显示原始
Mariia avatar
Mariia 20 6月

Great pictures!!!!!Well done!!!!Do you have more?

Jalina avatar
Jalina 20 6月

Thanks) Yes!! I creat album later

Mariia avatar
Mariia 20 6月

Better make blogs with some lessons!) It will be interesting I think- for me yes

Jalina avatar
Jalina 21 6月

good idea!!!

Omela avatar
Omela 28 6月

очень красиво!
