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The end of the GBPJPY triangle consolidation

GBPJPY has been correcting since since 20 November. I suppose that consolidation has ended at 185.
That correction was a 4th wave of the Minuette degree in a 5th (v) wave of the Minute, so a 5th Minuette is coming.
As you can see on the next chart, the 4th wave is triangle. Market usually rapidly turns over after triangles.
I thin GBPJPY will strongly rise up on the release of CPI data next day, maybe +200 point, but that won't be the end. The target of the 5th Minuette is a level from 186.5 t…
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Курс 60. Может ли такое быть в ближайшее время?
В связи с глубокой локальной коррекцией появился один безрадостный для россиян сценарий. Называется он удлинение первой.
По этому сценарию, недавно завершившаяся коррекция - вторая волна (ii Minute), после которой следует еще два импульса, цель последнего - 60+.Предпосылок для такого сценария несколько:
-вероятность масштабного вторжения в Украину, хотя в этом случае, курс улетит за 150;
-продолжение финансирования боевиков и как результат новые са…
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verindur avatar
verindur 28 11月

Over-ambitious but possible.


USDJPY update

This post is an update of the previous with bullish short-term scenario. I suggested an incomplete impulsive wave on USDJPY, which is going to rise up to 120 or higher. In my opinion that scenario is correct and current movements proves that.
We have the IV Micro wave completed and the V developping.
As you can see on the chart 3rd wave of the V is developping now. That wave can grow even to 121. I suppose it will get 120-121 level this week.
All Jenish pairs are extremly bullish now, there is a…
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