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GBP Begun Long Term Bullish beyond 200

Main Indicator :: I regr All Modes (mode 1 to 8)
Brexit Effecct had accerelated GBPY to end middle term Bearish of GBP JPY sooner than expected
in Montlly Time Frame,
I regr All Modes showed Bearish Long Term was almost Ended as almost all value 2 of i regr just crossed (7 of 8) and may brought this pair to a long journey over 200. But
in Weekly Time Frame
I saw an little opportunity that in the end of June 2016, GBP JPY may landed at 129.69 (Fibo Expansion 61.8 % from 163 ro 132) before fly awa…
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USD JPY may rebounce below 107, do Upside to 112

In Daily Time frame. price near 106.21 would be the best location to buy
USD JPY may rise again toward 112.50-115.50 for 1.-2 weeks
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Very Strong Bearish Warning

Attention GUYS.
Very Strong Bearish in progress. USD JPY may deep down to 102, AUD USD may gp to 1.64. GPB USD may go 1.38.
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