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Hello everybody:-) Happy new year all of you And for tne first task here are the ten statements about me - 8 are true and 2 are false, can you guess which?
1. I am a russian girl.
2. I have been born in Lithuania's capital Vilnius.
3. My dream is to visit America.
4. When I was a school girl I have been attending dance lessons in professional level.
5. I like painting human portraits.
6. My favourite colour is mint.
7. I get inspiration from Youtube and Instagram beauty vloggers.
8. The biggest…
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My 2017 achievements

The first idea that comes to my mind when I hear about year achievements is what we always promise something for the next year. Some people ( and my favourite ) promise that they start to lose weight from a New year, while other promise to find a better job, divorce with husband or wife and etc. And when comes the end of December and it is usually tome to think about all year achievements sometimes we are confused about it, because everything what was promised did not happened - the weight, the …
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Cheers to the New Year

That magic winter time
When snow is falling down
All the wishes will come true
I send a happiness to you....
To be honest I like that magic atmosphere which is around during winter - windows of shops are decorated with ornaments, and you can feel something special in the air all around you. That pleasant moment when you and your family are decorating a Christmas tree with bulbs and lights and when you are sitting next to it drinking a hot tea with ginger cookies. Moreover I feel totally fantasti…
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