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My journal

Hello traders!
In tomorrows eco calendar will be some interesting BOJ(yen) news:
01:50 Boj Bank lending (YoY)
01:50 BOJ Summary of Opinions
01:50 Trade Balance - BOP Basis
01:50 Current Account n.s.a.
07:00 Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook 50.9
07:00 Eco Watchers Survey: Current
The yen is on a very nice 4h downtrend currently, so my bet will be on short. If i actually will stay up to trade asia, i will be looking for resistance, wich is around 112.5 to sell into it.
Goodluck and good trade!
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My journal

Hello traders!
Today as i'm checking my economic calendar, i cant see any significant news at all, so a pretty low volatility is expected. Theres an fomc speech at 10 pm, but i dont really trade the end of the day, so i'll probably will give up on it. But lets take a look on our old friend, the usdx. On the daily chart it bounced from a significant resistance and ranging at that level. The trend is still up so it keeps me on a general bullish bias. So i'm going to be looking for sells in the maj…
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My journal

Hello traders!
The 1st week of the competition is over. Been interesting, sliding up and down between 5 to 15th place, so definatly not boring. Most of my predictions and journal posts were pretty accurate so pat on the back
But enough babbling, lets take a look at the coming week. The daily usdx chart made a big retracement, but bounced of from novembers gap and still is on the upside. we might see a reversal in my opinion. well, time will tell.
Happy weekend!
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