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EURUsd Long Term Situation

Greetings and a Happy New Year to everybody!!
Eur/Usd Long Term situation had some big changes
FZR of MN wave-level down is now officially happened.
This tells me, that trend down (the C wave down) has reached now a Monthly wave-level.
And as long as this wave down is developing - long-term trend down will proceed.
As usually - corresponding MF protective pivots will show us when exactly will this wave stop.
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brunodanzer avatar

Nice, you got a point

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EURUsd Tactics

Pivots protecting EurUsd mid-term trend down are not broken = trend down is still developing.
Strategic plan stays same so far.
My Tactical plan for today:
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EURUsd Monday Tactics

My Tactics for today.
I will be trying to hunt for a "sell" positions in shown areas.
Not sure that I will find any
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