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7 June

Draghi May Look Backward to Chart ECB Communication on Future
Mario Draghi may look to the European Central Bank’s past communication to find the right balance for the future.
The ECB is unlikely to announce changes to its policy or its forward guidance at its June 8 policy meeting in Tallinn, and the only step toward normalization may come in the form of an acknowledgment of the euro area’s brightening economic prospects.
But there’s a problem. Even as the economy improves, inflation shows l…
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6 June

The Cost of Renting a London Home Is Falling Fast
The cost of renting a home in the U.K. capital fell the most in eight years in May as a glut of rental properties came onto the market and affordability issues led Londoners to seek cheaper accommodation.
The average monthly rent paid in May for new lettings in Greater London was 1,502 pounds ($1,940), a 3 percent decline from a year earlier, HomeLet, the U.K.’s largest reference-checking and rentals insurance company, said in a statement on Tu…
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5 June

Oil Rebounds After Saudi-Led Alliance Cuts Qatar Ties Over Iran
Oil rebounded after a Saudi-led alliance cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and moved to close off access to the Gulf country, raising tensions in the world’s biggest oil-producing region.
Futures rose as much as 1.6 percent in New York, paring the biggest weekly loss in a month. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt said they will suspend air and sea travel to and from Qatar, escalating a crisis that started over …
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