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Feminine charms

Hello, Community!
That is my list of feminine charms:
1. Smile!
2. Be different!
3. Cook for him.
4. Have common interests.
5. Just LOVE him
If all these things don't work, that just mean it is not your man...
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Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 Lug

Heyyy your video rocks!!!!!!!  But you're too generous. If he's not madly in love by end of point #1, he's not your man :)

missanzhelika avatar

pipx you're mentioning this beer thing over and over again :D I'm taking notes :D really

pipx avatar
pipx 4 Ago

missanzhelika Trust me, beer solves everything :-) Too bad I can't give it to my cat, we would best buds :D

arbuz avatar
arbuz 28 Ago

Why cook for him ends with "." ? )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dic

Yes, most men likes to have things done for him :))

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Sharing my pride

Hello, Community!
Today I want to share my pride - my make-up work was printed in one famous Ukranian make-up magazine! That's amazing! I'm really proud of myself and glad so much!
I have already written about this work - it is a theatrical grease-paint, a mask of Kaschey the Deathless, famous personage of russian fairy-tales. The work took almast a week, it was rather hard and that was my first work in theatrical make-up.
My work is on the picture below, in the left upper corner.
I hope you wil…
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kostakis avatar
kostakis 24 Lug

Congratulations! I was afraid of this mask.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

the top right Kaschey looks kinda gay to me

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

your Kaschey is the best -- now I see what kind of men you like:))))))

Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 Lug


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dic

...hmmm...ok, intriguing subject matter, but not for me :p

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Should a woman be smart?

Hello, Community!
Today I wanna ask you - how do you think - should a woman be smart to be interesting or it is not a necessary condition?
How do you think is it a privilegy or a trouble when a woman is too smart, very well educated, reads a lot. May be she should be very wise not to show her cleverness?
And the main thing - a man never should feel himself as a fool with her. This case no man can stand it. Am I right?
What do you think about smart women - yes or no?
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korvinua avatar
korvinua 24 Lug

Smart man (both sex) is very sexy. And, stronger humor she has - more attractive she became.

speculo_ergo_sum avatar

yes, woman must be smart as opposite of stupid! everyone should, even men!

Swiss avatar
Swiss 25 Lug

Smart? Net, of course not!!!! All we want are just playboy models with implants and not too much neurones so they cannot challenge us :)  What do you think? :)))))))))

missanzhelika avatar

Swiss how about a smart woman that is smart enough to not let you notice that and yet take wise decisions? Who cares about them disposable dolls?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 27 Dic

Of course, and why not?....There are a lot of women who are way smarter than myself and other men.

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