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Fiesta y Siesta !!!

Hello dear ladies!!! Can not believe it is Friday again! Was waiting for it so badly and the reason is that today after work I am leaving for a 2 day festival "Summer sound"! Summer sound:"Our aim was to create place where everyday life stops, once you get on the other side of the fence. Place where one can forget about who he or she is - lawyer, businessman, bank worker, artist or student. Place where one can put on a fancy dress or funny shorts and celebrate the life, youth, freedom and happi
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MakVika avatar
MakVika 12 Lug

@seediee Thanks a lot, ill definitely will :))

anitapreisa avatar

Decision what is made immediately usually are the best! :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 11 Ago

Brainstorm is cool! I like them very much, I often listen to them when i'm driving a car

mag avatar
mag 15 Set

Muy bueno !!!! fiesta y siesta......

seediee avatar
seediee 27 Set

It's friday again... but where are you MakVika? We haven't see you for a while! ??? :)))

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To feel belonging

Happy Monday Wanted to share with you that yesterday I have attended one of the most significant events of each and every Latvian - The 25th Latvian Song and Dance Festiva. The All- Latvian Song and Dance Festival has been held since 1873, normally every five years. Evening of the 7th of July united spectators with 15400 choir singers, 700 dancers and 1200 players of the orchestra. I hardly can explain the feeling that dwelled during the last song "Soul Song", it felt like our souls took each o…
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Eugenia avatar
Eugenia 9 Lug

I used to participate in the festival...this was one of most remarkable events in my life, something that i will never forget

MakVika avatar
MakVika 9 Lug

Thank you Meyermasha for the link <3, goosebumps I know what you mean! The rapture feeling still doesn`t leave me :)

anitapreisa avatar

Amazing power! :)

annatimone avatar

It looks so beautiful. Gorgeous costumes. It must have been a great experience. Do you have any other videos you can share? Thank you.

MakVika avatar
MakVika 15 Lug

@annatimone yes, it was amazing experience, such a shame that I didn`t have a chance to participate when I was back in high school! I can show the link for dance festival as well, so you can click through if you are interested (, however I`m somehow more into singing, prefer song festival much much better (! :)

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Friday Funday

Hello Ladies!I believe you all worked hard during the week, so now its time to put you hair down get some pair of heels and head towards the start of the weekend! Its such a pleasure to grab some cocktail or a glass of wine after work while discussing achieved with your colleagues, friends or bellowed! So what is your signature cocktail or drink? Is it a well-known gin&tonic or maybe its your unique invention and it took some time for a local barmen to remember all ingredients? Share it with us!…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 8 Lug

Makvika , i don't like drinks unfortunately but i like non-alcoholic coctails..:)

MakVika avatar
MakVika 8 Lug

Erialda you have some favorite non-alcoholic cocktails? Or you like to explore as well? :)

MakVika avatar
MakVika 8 Lug

Meyermash I'm not too original with this as well! I find cocktails too sweet for me, but I love gin&tonic with cucumber :)

anitapreisa avatar depends on my mood, weather... I like wines, but from coctails I like classic Mojito, and Schweppes russian + vodka + frozen strawberries and blueberries (whole berries)

MakVika avatar
MakVika 8 Lug

Anitapreisa good choice, I like the Schweppes one as well just with slice of lime instead! :)

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