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I am a man, a real man :)

I guess it could be funny for a lady to imagine you're a man, anyway each joke just partyky consists of the very joke, the rest is true. They say that soul has no gender, and perhaps it's true as you can be intelligent, smart, kind-hearted, generous and with many other advantages independently of who you are: a woman or a man. I am deeply greatful to Creator for he sent me to this world as a woman yet it's a very responsible mission to be fulfiled successfuly Anyway, if I were a man, I'd have b…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Plastic surgery can be....

Plastic surgery is a useful thing for people who have not choice but to use it. It's not so pleasent to recognise the fact that some people come to this world with the disadvantages a professional doctor can correct only, anyway, it's a right choice for them as everyine dreams to look attractive and deserves a chance to spend this life being smart and handsome. What I judge and don't understabd when women of good looks try "to impove" it. As a result we see a kind of cartoon faces: huge lips of …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
hyperscalper avatar
hyperscalper 2014年06月10日

Beauty is more than skin, bone structure and fat distribution !!  As you say, if you have a real problem to correct, then it is OK.  But best to leave yourself alone and concentrate on "inner beauty" ??  HyperScalper

LadyI avatar
LadyI 2014年06月10日

100% agree!


Man who can win my attention

Men...they are different, actually as the women are, and theoretically anyone of them can attract our attention. When man is noisy, brutal and misbehave he has all chances to attract the women's attention, but not an interest. Aggression, negotive attitude to th e realities, so-called macho's image, all these traits make us form as a rule bad opinion about men. As a realist I realise perfectly well that it's hardly possible to change the world, anyway it's out right to choose what/who makes us …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示