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$20k for a hotdog in the eye at ball

A baseball fan is suing the Kansas City Royals after a mascot lobbed a hotdog that hit him in the eye. The poor bloke had to have two operations to fix his peeper and it’s still not right. Baseball clubs are covered if a ball hits a spectator but courts overturned an early hearing saying that he should have been paying attention. The appeal said that while you should expect a ball to hit you you should be expecting a hotdog. The case is ongoing.
Given how much people eat at baseball games I’m su…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
mag avatar
mag 2013年11月04日

the news is funny, maybe stripe absurdity; except for the wounded

alibaba avatar
alibaba 2014年03月24日



Fitch warns US to behave in future

On the 15th October Fitch put the US on rating watch over the shutdown/budget debacle but has today issued a strong warning that the US needs to buck its ideas up. A repeat of the debt ceiling crisis would not be a good signal to keep the triple A rating and they must take more steps to reduce the deficit and debt burden, they said.
Fitch will decide on the US rating in March 2014.
"Nothing is pre-determined, but that wouldn’t be a good signal if we have that kind of outcome again,” Said Fitch …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
mag avatar
mag 2013年11月04日

save the date.

Serguei avatar
Serguei 2013年12月03日

It seems the credit rating agencies have too much to say these days. It's up to the fixed-income fund managers to decide on the creditworthiness of institutions or governments. A credit rating agency does a great job of influencing the market's perception, not the opinion. Basically, what I am trying to say, is that as with other types of trading, you need to align your positioning with that of the market at large. Being too smart may leave one exposed to unpredictable outbursts of the emotional crowd that the traders are. You have no option but to follow the pack leaders or protagonists.


When You Don't Need to Tip

Tipping for good service is important, but make sure you don’t get duped. For some, this could happen while staying at a hotel or eating out at a restaurant — and the mistake is surprisingly common.
Think back to the last time you ordered room service. Did you offer a tip on top of your total?
If so, you probably gave a very generous 30% to 40% tip. That’s because in many hotels an automatic base gratuity of 18% to 20% is often included with room service — even if there's a space to add it on th…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
mag avatar
mag 2013年11月04日

I have the vision of "no tip", nor do I accept to negotiate a price.
the service or product has a price, you great guta; do not purchase like other cheaper.
