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Non Farm Payrolls 12/2/2016

Today is the Non Farm Payrolls event and as you know it will reflect really strong on the market. The expectations for this month are the event to be positive for the USD, so I personally will go in Long positions for the USD. The safest asset of course is GOLD, but I am trading in the Trader Contest and will open positions only on currency market. Prefer to open trade on USDJPY, there was Divergence yesterday which was a beautiful correction of the movement before that. Good luck with the event…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

EURUSD Convergence

After the presidential elections in USA and the high volatility on the most assets I saw a convergence on EURUSD. My predictions are after the correction on the EURUSD, the dollar to go up. Check the chart :
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Brezhnyulia avatar
Brezhnyulia 2016年11月09日

Согласна полностью.


EURJPY Fibonacci

If you want to skip the trades on USD because of the presidential elections in USA, you can trade on the other assets. I am using the Fibonacci retracement on the EURJPY, the correction is in the area between 38.2 and 50 level. So the expectations are to go up to the -61.8 level.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示