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2nd Month of 2014 - Good luck Trading!

Hello Traders,
Welcome to the 2nd month of 2014! We had a great Chinese New year holidays in Hong Kong until yesterday, and now we are officially opened.
Few learning I'd like to share with you all -
Don't jump into the market, just that you have an itchy finger. I lost 200 pips each - CAD and AUD in the last week of last month... It was a devastating loss of 400 pips.. All my profits were wiped out and I had a terrible loss of half of my capital. All because I couldn't bite my itchy…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Convallium avatar

Thank you, for your tips! And I wish you good luck in your trading)

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Hello All,
Referring to my last few blogs and this one in particular - " JPY vs. GBP - Who will be the Victor?"; we clearly saw Pound stretching it's BULL run once again across all it's pairs. It was once again - GBP the Victor!
My Trades - I made a nice 200+ pips rally combining pairs like JPY and AUD.
I know i made a bit of a mistake by keeping tight stop loss before going to bed. And as a result i got stopped out by ONLY FEW pips (5 pips to be precise- ouch!**) and then the rally continued a…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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BOJ Vs. BOE _ Who will be the VICTOR today?

Hi All!
Big day today, from both side of the world. BOJ and BOE...
To start with - JPY has been one of the worst performer last year - BEAR. And in addition, there is likely hood of further QE measures by BOJ. Result - Yen will further weaken - perhaps it is a deliberate move, also says, passive suppression of currency rate by the BOJ. The recent pull back in all YEN crosses has made JPY even more tempting for SHORT positions,
On the contrary, there could be further continuation of JPY correctio…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
A15612P avatar
A15612P 22 Sty

Verdict --- GBP

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