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Trading diary - February update

Hello again dear community friends,
first of all I would like to say that I have been out of trading for few months because I was totally busy. I hope this break would help me to trade more calm. I am aslo very happy that I meet up with my good friend and one of the best traders on the world - AIRMIKE. We had very interesting conversation 2 weeks ago....
February contest I started only in 2nd week of contest and I opened 3 posititions - NZD/USD - hoping that green dollar will keep strengthenin…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Trading diary - July 2nd

Hey all,
the second trading day brought small correction on USD/RUB which wasnt very big and finally RUB was cloasing on very similar price as it was opened. I still believe that there is going to come fall and USD/RUB will be filled till the end of the week.
Lately today I decided to open short position on NZD/USD according to my prediction where I am expecting correction and strengthening US dollar. This pair is on 3 years maximum, NZ dollar has been stranghening in 4 weeks in the row and it h…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
ANABEVZ avatar

nice article!

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Trading diary - July 1st

Hey all,
today I have decided to open only one position -- USD/RUB. My decision was made accorring to great grap on this pair after opening RUB. In the first day, it is in loss, as I believed in correction which havent come so far, but I still belive in it and I am going to hold this position maximum till Friday.
I believe this month is going to be very difficult because of holiday season and I do not expect very big vilatility so my (and I reccomend) to thickthen TP.
GL to all and wish so many …
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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