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Feedback for the contest

  1. What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  2. What should be improved in the Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  3. Will you participate in the Miss Dukascopy 2014? Why?
1. I allready had experience in some contests, but this one was a bit different. Realy need to think about some interesting questions, make some pictures, videos.
2. I think this contest is not fair, because some was registred from the beginning, but some 3 days ago. How its possible for girl to win if she found this contes…
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One day in photographs

Very importaint to have greeeeeeeat breakfast.. May be not so healthy, but very tasty.
At work.
My super uniform
Preparing to go home.
Fast dinner.
Waterpipe with friends in evening.
Time for my lovely pets.
Hair style for next day. And after going to sleep.
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Influential Women

I will choose Gisele Bündchen.
I was thinking a lot who to choose, but decided to choose female that is not only smart, interesting and inteligent, but also very beautiful. Some times to keep good look after 30 is not so easy. But she did perfect!
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