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Mid-summer checklist

Summer is always fast, so we made the plan early. I want to go to Venice, a very beautiful city, surrounded by water. Still a small child, I dream to go there to see this miracle. I like other cities, but I will visit it first. It is wonderful when you are passionate about something or you like this place so much and you look forward to visiting it. The world is great and beautiful, it is a pity that we do not have a life to see it all. There are many beautiful places where every one of us wa…
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Find love now

With social networks, we make more friends, know more information, sometimes we can also form couples. I did not know my second half through networks, but they helped me talk to him and see him when he was away from me. There are many cases when people get online and fall in love, they make couples.When you meet directly more beautiful, you can look at your eyes, your lips. That's how love lasts longer. Through networks, distance destroys relationships much faster. There are known people who ha…
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Old jeans = new shorts

LeftCenterRightI like changes very much. From anything I try to do something new. This time I chose a pair of jeans. I had already bothered to wear them, and to not throw them I made a change. Now that summer has come, I think it looks pretty good. The aprons are very comfortable and seem to be new. Now I can already enjoy it again with pleasure. A dream of mine was to become a dizayner fashion, so I love change, I love to make any coat something new, something unique. Try it too. You will be a…
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