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MsAnait777 has taken 41st place in 911 Contest Sep 2017

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A bit of soap opera

This feeling, when you think: "I will look this one and enough for today, and then, without blinking an eye, you watch the next one"
My favorite one is a classic of genre "Sex and the city" definitely. Four totally different female friends, adventurous and passionate, are really worth to look at. They always find new ways how to deal with men and come out of any situation perfectly!
When you look at them, you are trying to find yourself, how would you do in this or that situation, and u think wh…
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Gym and nutrition

Hey guys! Are you going to gym or no? Is it a necessary part of your lifestyle? Or maybe you just watch your food and do not think gym is a must? What you think, is it necessary to count calories of your food and have right nutrition?
As for me, gym is a must, workout is something I cant and do not want to strike out of my life. I watch my food, trying to avoid unhealthy one, but never count calories. Sometimes I can allow myself to eat some sweets too, cause we are girls. I think we should indu…
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