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The Donalds greatest Hits

For the folks who didn’t watched that very much greatest, tremendous and superior presscon ever conducted i like to share the highlights of what Mr. President elect Donald Trump got to say:
"I am the greatest job creator that god ever made."
"I am the only one who could run Trump business and the country. I could but I won´t."
"Hacking is bad. Russia did it. I think now they won´t do it again."
"The DNC got hacked...that´s why the country is what it is (or bad shape)"
"Your organisa…
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Summer and old skool

Who does not love summertime? I certainly do.
With all this madness going on in the world, i got my personal way to agree to this life positive everyday.
That could mean i enjoy the day (without trading), riding a bicycle, reading a good book, talk to best friends or remember what we danced to in the good ole house times. Today i stumbled upon this tune from 2004. I wonder if someone remembers dj tonka or any other kind of "shake it baby" funky house tunes.
This track was one of the finest vinyl…
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Something about Greece and Europe

No thats not a real "something", thats a pure mess of information and disinformation. I dont know what the real settlement will look like but for real, whats more to talk about this topic?
Some traders i know personally are still scratching thier heads concerning market movements those days and if you opened up your chart tonight, the powerful gap south in fiber does speak its own language after BBG´s report on broken up talks between the greek delegation and creditors: …
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