Cyberia Trader (ver. 1.0) Comp. error

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This is an old Russian expert advisor for Metatrader 4 I found somewhere surfing the Net. The source code says it's from, but if you there you'll see they went *poof* and disappeared.

تغير محصل الربخ و الخسارة

المدة المحددة: 01.12.2013 - 31.12.2013

Full Stats

Standings (نقاط): 76 (141)
اداء, $ (نقاط): 100,00K$ (60)
Drawdown, % (نقاط): 0% (50)
Bonuses: 31
Average Profit Trade: 0,00K$
Average Loss Trade: 0$
عامل الربح: 0,00K
عدد الصفقات: 0
حجم التداول المحقق: 0,00M$
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