ForexAlyoum's ملف المتسابق
المركز الحالي |
معدل ال ربح\خسارة لهذا الشهر بالدولار الامريكي |
زيادة رأس مال في مسابقة التداول, هذا الشهر
حجم التخفيضات الاقصى |
حجم التخفيضات الاقصى خلال الشهر المحدد. تتم الحسابات مرة في اليوم (عند وقت التسوية)
جميع الجوائز التي تم ربحها |
محصل الجوائز التي تم ربحها في جميع اشهر المشاركة بالمسابقة
1 050$
جميع النقاط التي تم كسبها |
جميع النقاط التي تم كسبها خلال جميع اشهر المشاركة بالمسابقة
2119 نقاط
The core logic of the strategy is based on the price action of the
EUR/USD currency pair.
The strategy aims to identify short-term price movements by
monitoring the spread, the difference between the bid and ask price
the currency pair, and the range of the previous bars.
the strategy checks if an order is already open and if the first
of the strategy has been taken. If the order is not open and the
step has not been taken, the strategy checks if the spread and the
difference between the previous bars meet certain criteria, and if
it determines the direction of the first step based on the bid price
of the tick. If the order is not open and the first step has been
taken, the strategy checks if the price of the tick has crossed a
certain threshold and if enough time has passed since the first step,
and if so, it executes the second step of the strategy.
The "TP" and "SL" variables are used to set the take profit and stop
loss levels for the orders .
every time a new tick is received. the strategy checks if an order is
already open and if the first step of the strategy has been taken. If
the order is not open and the first step has not been taken, the
strategy checks if the spread and the difference between the previous
bars meet certain criteria, and if so, it determines the direction of
the first step based on the bid price of the tick. If the order is not
open and the first step has been taken, the strategy checks if the
price of the tick has crossed a certain threshold and if enough time
has passed since the first step, and if so, it executes the second
step of the strategy.
تغير محصل الربخ و الخسارة
المدة المحددة:
Standings (نقاط): |
112 (131) |
اداء, $ (نقاط): |
17,28K$ (89) |
Drawdown, % (نقاط): |
86.51% (7) |
Bonuses: |
35 |
Average Profit Trade: |
11,97K$ |
Average Loss Trade: |
-11523.8$ |
عامل الربح: |
0,00K |
عدد الصفقات: |
25 |
حجم التداول المحقق: |
229,16M$ |