USDZAR05042021 (ver. VER. III BETA APRL) Not running

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a position is opened based on one of 4 signals .trade is set, or buy - sell without restrictions , only buy - only sell .time to trade Scenario 1 Pivot+td_c+Regression Scenario 2 td_c+Regression Scenario 3 SMA230+Regression Scenario 4 WillR+TDI , the ability to set a mathematical stop loss / profit or stop loss / profit by the regression indicators

تجمع سود / مکانیزم ضرر ($)

دوره های منتخب: 01.04.2021 - 30.04.2021

Full Stats

رده بندی (امتیازات): 18 (254)
عملکرد, $ (امتیازات): 160,54K$ (183)
Drawdown, % (امتیازات): 20.33% (40)
Bonuses: 31
Average Profit Trade: 10,49K$
Average Loss Trade: -4164.21$
عامل سود: 0,00K
شمار معاملات: 26
حجم تجارت شده: 260,56M$
یااظهار نظر
