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Strategy summary: Buy when CCI above 50 in 30 minutes timeframe and last 30 minute candle closes green. Sell when CCI is below 50 in 30 minutes timeframe and last 30 minute candle closes red. Description: Strategy enters on beginning of new trends using CCI indicator and 30 minutes candles but it also trades with the trend if conditions are met. The cci indicator is applied using standard 14 period and 30 minutes timeframe. Candles are used to confirm the trade and it always buys on green candles and it sells on red candles. So when cci is above 50 and green candle it buys, when cci is below -50 and red candle it sells. The size of trades is always 3 millions. This version uses 10 pips stop loss, 48 pips targets.
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
3 01.12.2015 Not running DocDowSept10  التحميل
2 01.10.2015 Not running DocDowSept10  التحميل
1 01.09.2015 Not running DocDowSept10  التحميل
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why did my system turn on only sept 10

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why did my system turn on only Oct 12

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why did my system turn off , on Oct 12

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