Some peope (or traders) may say that EURUSD is the worst or the best FX instrument to trade. But, why there is this big gap between who consider EURUSD the best or the worst? There are some reasons to say that it is the best and the worst at the same time. Here it is the 2 reasons explained, point by point by a trader (me) that Loves to trade EURUSD:


EURUSD is the most liquid FX instrument and probably the most liquid financial instrument to trade in the world, both for institutionals and retail traders. The enormous amount of liquidity it is equal to a LOW VOLATILITY, so it is not good for who use Classical Technical Analysis (oscillators, indicators, trendline etc...). It is perfect for those traders who use Price Action, both in intraday or multiday strategies


EURUSD is a market mover asset. If we have a shock in EURUSD we will have a shock in equity and viceversa. Most traders use to trade other pairs because of this characteristic: trading the pairs that are correlated with others in an high percentage is easier than the mover itself. For some traders, trading the EURUSD is like to "fight against a huge wave", for other traders EURUSD is the "big wave to ride"

These are the reasons because EURUSD is the best/worst FX major to trade
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