Definitely the week ahead is shaping out to be pivotal in determining whether or not the movements started last week are genuine and we're going to see some follow through or the market will complete reverse and go the other way. The Economic calendar looks quite heavy this week as we have Fed rate decision which as per market expectation should be a predictable event in the sense that Fed will hold monetary policy.

On the other side of the monetary policy spectrum we have BOJ which many are speculating that they are going to see an upgrade of their QE program and see their monetary base expanding even further. IMHO those expectations are not anchored into reality and personally I don't see BOJ doing anything before Fed start normalizing interest rates.

There are also lots of other big economic data that can spur volatility in the market like the Durable Goods and the Consumer Confidence data which can give use more clue on how good or bad will be the US GDP figure which are scheduled to be released on Thursday, so be sure that the market will speculate more on this data.

Wish you all good luck!

And last but not least the song of the day, just for motivational purpose:

Best Regards,
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