The answer to that question is no! There is a great distance between being professional trader and live the professional Being markets is the key requirement for live trading, but it alone is not enough. There are other smaller stones along the way, which hinder and who want to live trade and that generally people do not have the sensitivity required to see these minor obstacles. If you're still not convinced, think of the thousands of good traders who work for banks, brokerages, investment funds and other financial institutions, which are not yet ready to live their operations with their own money, even if they are profitable. Of course there is a small minority of traders who work in these places purely by choice, to be part of the marketing industry and maintain good contacts, but I have no doubt that the vast majority are in this situation the most varied reasons that will soon explain then to According to my experience. Why, only a small, select few can actually live market? First, know that it does not take some kind of extraterrestrial or have IQ of 250 to learn such a task, perhaps the skills that are most precious in this process are called persistence and faith. Learning to live markets is a slow and expensive process, that's what makes this extremely difficult task because few have the time and money also few have the true dream or burning desire to live markets, most enter this business just because think beautiful or why, you think will make easy money and this gives the purest lack of self-knowledge. Small stones that separate live trading and be professional trader fit with regard to their social integrity, loving, physical and psychological. When support him and his family depend on market movements, their psychological'll be mad, because each trade (good or bad), each new variation in their open positions, every time you open a new operation, each drawdown, each variation in equity, each time you study or monitor their psychological markets will make a direct link between his life and the impacts of these operations, and believe me, this link has a skill almost divine in influencing you to feel the wildest feelings negative such as anger, anxiety, lack of confidence and the various fears and discouragements to life. Notice, I did not say at no time in learning how to be a professional trader, what I said above are everyday problems you will have to identify them and solve them by itself, also realize that, besides all this, learn to treidar of professional manner is also a difficult task. These small stones are just a bonus issues, which will appear in your life if you want to live trading as well as being professional. Also remember that the average period of trader maturity is 5 years, so if you read a bunch of books and did a short course of the weekend, please do not be fooled.
How then improve my chances of being successful in the issue "live trading"? - Exercise discipline on you and your actions, know the right time to use reason or emotion, or both combined. Trying to be rational 100% of the time is something you will not, because you are human. Emotion and feelings are fundamental for you to awaken your creativity and create good ideas in trading. The reason it is critical to follow these ideas to the letter. - The best money. Know that the best traders and investors in the world also had its negative years, if you think it will not happen to you it is best to review their concepts. The more money you have, the less stress you'll have to support him and his family in difficult times, softening so that link between their psychological and the market described above, that the very help to maintain discipline on its operations and maintaining positive. - Be certain to end, there is no such thing as "nothing for something." - And lastly, let a phrase to you that I recently read in a book, which I identified and portraying my personal experience with trading. "Long ago, a great warrior was faced with a circumstance of having to make a decision that would guarantee victory on the battlefield. You should throw his army against a powerful opponent, who had much more numerous troops. He embarked his men on ships and sailed towards the enemy country There, landed troops and equipment and gave the order to burn the ships that had traveled Addressing his men before the first battle said: -.. You see the ships on fire. This means that we will come out of here alive only if we win! Now we have no choice. It's win or die! They won. " Hug to everyone!!
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